On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Kathleen.Sullivan at cityofboston.gov wrote:
>…I have not yet received the Sept. 19 or Oct. 17 records due to computer problems…
>4 attachments
> cc10112012.SGSTN.SGSTN
> cc08222012.SGSTN.SGSTN
> cc09122012.SGSTN.SGSTN
> cc10032012.SGSTN.SGSTN
>Kate Sullivan
>Budget Director and Interim Staff Director
>Boston City Council
>Boston City Hall
>Boston, MA 02201
>Phone: 617 635-4644
Please share widely!
Stenographic records of Boston City Council have the words of Council members from the public meetings. Minutes are a more abridged document.