I know everyone is going to be busy canvassing today, but I wanted to let you know about this tumblr some friends and I launched yesterday, in the hopes that some BMG women might subMITT!
From Word Detective:
“To give (someone) the mitten” means to reject or dismiss the person, especially to spurn a lover or suitor, although the phrase has also been used to mean to dismiss from employment since it first appeared in the mid-19th century. One rarely hears ‘give the mitten’ these days (the Oxford English Dictionary labels it “rare”), but it’s a colorful, if somewhat obscure, bit of colloquial English.”
And a tumblr was born! We’ve asked Massachusetts women who gave Mitt the Mitten to post a photo of themselves doing so, along with a blurb explaining why. Who has better information than us? Instructions for subMITTing one’s mitten are on the site.
Joyce from Dorchester