Electors of President and Vice President: Stein and Honkala, Green-Rainbow party. For the rationale, see my explanation from 4 years ago
Senator in Congress: Warren. The only statewide election where your vote actually means something. While Brown is not horrible, he is clearly a worse choice.
(the following ones are specific to my district)
Representative in Congress: Markey. While Markey hasn’t done much, at least he hasn’t done much bad. On the other hand, giving a seat to Tierney(R) won’t accomplish anything for the state, but might be a negative for the country as a whole.
Councillor, Senator in General Court, Representative in General Court, Clerk of Courts, Registrar of Deeds – all of these have Democrats running unopposed. As a matter of protesting against the single-party rule in this state, leave the box unchecked.
Middlesex county Sheriff: Ernesto Petrone (he runs as an independent, that should be encouraged).
Ballot question 2 (assisted suicide): resounding YES. This should be a right of every person and government should not be in the business of regulating it.
Ballot question 3 (medical marijuana): resounding YES. Read this: http://bluemassgroup.com/2012/11/please-vote-yes-on-question-three-medical-marijuana-is-a-needed-treatment-for-patients-like-my-husband/
Non-binding questions:
1 (feel-good resolution for the state senator) – YES, though of course it doesn’t matter
2 (marijuana regulated/taxed as alcohol) – YES
3 (corporations are not people) – YES
Disclosure: I am a registered member of the Massachusetts Pirate Party. The positions above are my own and are not necessarily those of the MPP.
post Rated Arrrrgh?
The Massachusetts Pirate Party endorses a YES vote on all three ballot questions.