Last chance to get people to register as Democrats. I’ve had great success in getting people who volunteered in this most recent election to register as Democrats. This includes getting a Republican to switch.
I’m focusing here on the December 31 deadline. If you are not already a Democrat, please consider registering as one NOW. Everyone who is a registered Democrat as of December 31, 2012 is eligible to attend a caucus and run for delegate. I was chatting with my co-editor of the Democratic Dispatch recently. He mentioned that he hadn’t even been a Democrat when he started getting involved with the activities of his local Democratic Committee. He said that it quickly became clear that if one was not a registered Democrat that one would be left behind. There are activities that are restricted to registered Democrats that play a role in the direction of the Party and the nomination of Democratic candidates.
Recruit others to become registered Democrats as of December 31. Do you have a list of people you volunteered with during the 2012 campaign? Invite them to register as Democrats NOW. Not sure if someone is a registered Democrat? Not a problem; call people anyway. Ask them. Invite them to get involved with local Democratic activities. If you need to check on someone’s party’s status it is public record information. The Massachusetts Democratic Party has made VoteBuilder available to town and ward committees and Democratic State Committee members.
I can speak from experience as to how effective this is. I spent about an hour recently going through a list of folks from my town who had attended the holiday party at my home. I called most of them who were not already registered Democrats. Everyone who I reached agreed to become a Democrat by the deadline.
Register young people NOW to become registered Democrats. Anyone who is going to be 18 on or before the next election can register to vote NOW, before the December 31 deadline. This allows many young people who are 17 to be eligible to fully take part in a caucus and the state convention. Many young people took part in the most recent election and are excited to become involved.
Reach out to interested high school aged friends and encourage them to take part in the Democratic Party’s Youth Convention. This is separate from voting Youth Delegates who are actual registered voters. The party has opened up the Convention to High School Age girls and boys who have the sponsorship of any Democratic State Committee member, DemocraticTown/City Committee member or Democratic elected official.
Do something. NOW!
UPDATE: Here’s the PDF Voter Registration Form.