Full disclosure:
1.) I got the ok from the editors before writing this post, and
2.) I am an Independent Associate of Viridian Energy, my associate id is 30629.
What does that mean? It means that, if you are a customer of National Grid or NStar here in Massachusetts, I’ll be able to walk you through the process of changing your current electrical supplier for your household and/or business electricity service to green power from Viridian Energy. I get to earn a small income that recurs every month when you pay your bill, and it grows with every new customer I add.
But why should you switch to Viridian Energy? Those of you who know me know that I’ve been a sustainability and environmental advocate for years, and that I’m currently working in the solar power industry, selling residential and commercial scale solar power systems. See our web site here – email me for a free, no obligation site analysis by clicking here.
I found out about Viridian Energy when my boss introduced me to the concept, which is dead simple: provide consumers with green electricity choices that exceed state requirements, and do so at competitive rates. This has the net effect of boosting free market demand for green power, greening the grid through the power of the marketplace.
Viridian offers two products: Everyday Green, which is 20% green power and Pure Green, 100% wind-power, in both fixed and variable rates. In Massachusetts, the Renewable Portfolio Standard governs how much of the power on the market needs to come from renewable sources. The RPS is slated to reach 15% renewable power by 2020, so with Viridian’s base offering at 20%, they already exceed future benchmarks for renewable power. It’s free and easy to sign up, with no long term contracts or long term commitments, and no cancellation fees if you’re unhappy with your service for any reason. Both products are competitively priced against both the standard offer from National Grid and NStar, as well as the other power suppliers operating in Massachusetts, some of whom do not even offer a green choice. With Viridian, you can save money over time while greening the grid, a win-win!
And if you’d like a win-win-win, how about this: if you’re part of a non-profit organization, your organization can sign up to offer green power to your members, earning money every time your members pay their electric bills. Here are some examples of organizations that have worked with Viridian in the past:
- Churches and Synagogues
- Private and Religious Schools
- Sports Teams
- Charities and Foundations
- Volunteer and Community Service Organizations
- Parent Associations
- School Groups
Viridian is also a socially responsible corporation, embracing sustainability as one the key tenets of the organization. Through the Viridian Sustainability Initiative, the company has already taken on projects on two continents, with the aim of hitting 7 continents in 7 years. They participated in a reforestation project in the Amazon in 2011, and in 2012 they brought solar power systems to a village in Ghana, electrifying a school, a library and a hospital. In order to ensure that the school children would be able to do their homework, they also installed a push-type merry-go-round with an important difference from your typical merry-go-round – turning this one powers a generator! They gave the kids rechargeable lanterns that plug into the generator, and now they’ll have electric light at home overnight. You can read more and see videos from the trip here:
Viridian’s Sustainability Initiative
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard of Viridian Energy until now, well, they just started offering power here in June of this year, and they do no advertising. They are using the tried and true multi-level marketing approach to selling green electricity, like Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Primerica, and many many others have used to generate great business success stories. If you have questions or if you want to start a great side business selling green energy, email me here:
If you want to know more about Viridian, or if you’re ready to change to a socially responsible green energy supplier, you can go to my Viridian web site at this link:
Or you can email me for more information using the email link I provided above. Thanks for reading!
Get in on the ground floor and make bucks.
If you want to get green energy without the multilevel marketing aspect, you can sign up with GreenStart. It supports creation of local alternative energy production. Costs you a few bucks extra per month and won’t make you rich, but either half or all (your choice) of your electricity comes from locally-generated renewable sources.
Or you might look into getting solar panels. There are now schemes that cost you nothing up front and save you money:
There are more. There’s free energy falling on your house and yard every day. You might be able to profit from it.
But Viridian’s rates are currently beating their Green Start rates – they do this because they have lower overhead by design, and a big part of that lower overhead is the multilevel marketing aspect. Whether you sign on as an associate, or just change your supplier to Viridian, you’ll get a better deal while still supporting locally produced green power.
As for solar power, you’re preaching to the choir – that’s my bread and butter, and I should have added a link to my employer’s web site to my post, I’ll go back and add that now. We also have zero-down and low-cost leasing options – the time has never been better to go solar, especially in Massachusetts!
I’m happy to pay a higher rate, when it is higher, for power that is not only green, but helps support Massachusetts residents, small businesses and local generation. MassEnergy & its partners (such as Easy Energy, a competitive supplier) have spent years working to build a better, greener New England. The model instills a culture of care for the environment and power. Can’t say the same for Viridian.
Their business model is to sell locally sourced green power, supporting MA residents and small business in the process. They are Green-E certified, unlike Easy Energy, whose prices are currently higher than Viridian’s. They haven’t been doing so for years, that’s true – the company was founded in 2009, and only expanded to MA in June of this year, but they are not greenwashing.