I have known Barney Frank for over a quarter of a century. Much has been said about Barney’s intelligence, experience, and expertise. But I would like add another consideration: repaid loyalty.
Barney has dedicated his life to protecting the people of Massachusetts from wealthy interests. He could have earned a fortune had he cashed in in the legal profession or in lobbying. Instead, he leaves office as one of the least well-heeled in Congress – a mark of honor.
I knew Barney when I was a student. He took the advice of a young man on personal matters gracefully. He later repaid that advice and concern with recommendations and sage advice of his own.
In sum, many of us hope that Governor Patrick factors in Barney’s dedicated service to the people of Massachusetts as well as his talents in his upcoming decision.
Terry McGinty
jshore says
Barney Frank is the perfect person for this job! He is willing to do it. We know him and trust Barney Frank to do right by Massachusetts. What is the hold up? Tell Barney to start packing!
Christopher says
Making that announcement really falls under don’t do it until there is a vacancy to fill. I’ve heard rumors that the Governor has already privately told the person he plans on appointing of his intentions.