People of all faiths across the country will participate in a Sabbath to Stop Gun Violence this weekend, Jan. 5-6, 2013.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Demand A Plan encourage faith leaders across the country to speak to their congregations about the toll of gun violence. Leaders are encouraged also speak about the need for common sense gun laws.
I personally invite you to Temple Beth Emunah, 479 Torrey Street in Brockton on Saturday 1/5 for services beginning at 9:30 am. Rabbi Ilana Foss notes:
On Shabbat morning during services we will join with many religious communities, including many Conservative Synagogues around the country, in a special Shabbat to stop gun violence by engaging in a discussion and study of Jewish sources on the regulations of weapons use and sales.
A compelling and balanced article, written by Rabbi Mark Sameth of Westchester, is here
Here’s what the campaign is calling for: “common sense legislation that will 1) require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America; 2) ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines; and 3) make gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for ‘straw purchasers.’” Let me emphasize that for purpose of being able to work together to achieve positive results, this coalition is backing what they deem “common sense” legislation, all of which is intended to sit well within the 2nd Amendment as it is now understood.
Actually, four out of five Americans believe in common sense gun laws… Last summer … pollster Frank Luntz conducted a poll of NRA members which showed “strong support for common-sense gun laws, exposing significant divide between rank-and-file members and NRA leadership.
Shabbat Shalom. Wishing you a Sabbath full of peace, rest, joy, and meaning.