The Hill and other sites reporting Barney Frank has endorsed Ed Markey for Senate should Kerry vacate his seat as expected: “Ed Markey should be and will be the next senator. Frankly, Ed and I have worked together in Congress and, before that, in the legislature, and I would like to think of this as something of a kind of a relay team.”
Frank again said that, as of December 28, he didn’t want the job even on an interim basis, but the looming fights over the debt ceiling and sequestration cuts changed his mind. He also expressed the view that appointing someone who will not run in the special election “works well.”
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jconway says
Exactly what I predicted and hoped would happpen has happened. And thats a great way to look at it, a relay team for Kerrys seat and a tag team of a Senate delegation once Markey and Warren are serving together. Roll up our sleeves and get to work!