Aside from the news about Lt. Gov. Murray’s decision not to re-run, I’m a lot more disappointed in the news that Representative David Sullivan is resigning his seat. Though eternally out of fashion, education is the key to solving today’s problems, and tomorrow’s. There is nobody whose understanding of that reality is exceeded by David Sullivan. Just in this session, he was standing behind the principles of ensuring that qualified, available faculty teach in our public colleges and universities as well as the idea that early education occurring in small centers across the Commonwealth needs organized professionals speaking for their profession. I know this because he sponsored two bills that would seek to accomplish those very goals: “An Act Restoring Faculty and College Excellence” and “An Act Relative to Improving Quality in Early Education and Care Through Center Based Child Care Providers”.
In addition, Rep. Sullivan understands that the corrosive reality brought upon in a policy conversation where every solution to every educational problem is more testing. Smart testing that is valid, reliable, and offers great information to families and educators is valued. Loading up the bottom lines of private corporations that offer testing “solutions” and “consultants” isn’t. David Sullivan has the experience and knowledge so many public official lack to see through that ruse. I’ve sat with him in forums where he spoke passionately and knowledgeable about these issues that are apparently kept in the shadows from many legislators.
While many public servants may be belatedly tackling today’s problems, Rep. Sullivan was ready to set the conditions to solve tomorrow’s. The State House, and the Commonwealth, will be a worse place without him there.
A middle class guy, who was always ready and able to spend his own political capital standing up for the poor, the disabled and the elderly.
He was appointed to be the executive director of the Fall River Housing Authority.
That said, the first thing I did when I read this was to Google the representative, and ran across his website. Not your usual lame page, filled with interesting graphics and media, though be warned it will play music when you land on it. (I love the graphic of the sacred cod!)
writes that Rep. Sullivan applied for the FRHA position.
Note: I edited out the editorial comment included in the Roll Call story.