I’m sure that you are all asking yourselves, “How can I use this time over the next few days to help elect a Democrat to the U. S. Senate?” Talk to family and friends about the importance of voting Democratic. There is nothing like a personal conversation to between friends. Maybe you’re calling someone to be sure that he or she is OK. Use this as an opportunity to ask the person to vote Democratic and mark the date on his or her calendar.
Keep a list of family and friends who you talk to and who commit to voting Democratic. More will be coming from the Massachusetts Democratic Party on this program. Invite your friends to “Vote Democratic” on June 25th.In this special election cycle, it’s important to get people thinking about the June 25th date NOW.
With the blizzard, MDP Chair, John Walsh, has issued a statement that allows a caucus chair to reschedule. The MDP is updating the caucus list as new dates and times come in from local chairs.
Events coming up nest week include: Discussion of Gov. Patrick’s Proposals with Rep. Jim O’Day and Rep. John Mahoney, Brookline DTC Legislative Roundtable, State of the Union Watch Parties, Fundraiser for Rep. Nick Collins, Reception for Emerge Executive Director.
Details on the above events are found in the calendar section in Donaghue’s Democratic Dispatch. Subscribe by sending an e-mail to DDemDispatch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com . It is a more or less weekly e-mail newsletter of Democratic events across the state.
I set up a facebook event that allows people to commit to voting for the Democratic nominee on June 25th. It is up to 160 people when I looked at it just now. It’s a “public” event. I’m hoping that some BMG Democrats will RSVP to the event.