A week ago as we were gearing up for the storm, I tried to think about how people could promote the Democratic Party while sitting out the storm. I set up an event called “I’m voting for the Democratic nominee on June 25th.” I am pleased to announce that we have more than five hundred people who have made this commitment. MDP Chairman John Walsh agreed to buy lunch for the 500th person who joined. A number of other party leaders made the same commitment for various multiples of 50 as we were working our way up to 500. Now I have to schedule a time for ten of us! There’s already interest in getting that number higher. Signup yourself and invite your friends to “Vote Democratic” on June 25th. In this special election cycle, it’s important to get people thinking about the June 25th date NOW.
Staying on the subject of the storm, please check for updated caucus information. If you are interested in being a delegate and can’t attend the caucus, please be cognizant of the rule that allows your name to be placed in nomination, even if you are not present. Candidates who are present get absolute first preference. Even if you have notified your chair of your interest in running, it might be prudent to reaffirm your interest and your ability to attend the Convention on the July 13th date.
Events coming up nest week include: Cohasset DTC Movie Night, GLAD/3rd MAD meeting, Somerville Event with Ed Markey. Fundraiser for Dave Dennis, GBYD Fundraiser Honoring Joe Kennedy, Whitman DTC Spaghetti Dinner,
Rob Consalvo’s Winter Breakfast, Ashland DTC’s 5th Annual Taste of Ashland event.
Details on the above events are found in the calendar section in Donaghue’s Democratic Dispatch. Subscribe by sending an e-mail to DDemDispatch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com . It is a more or less weekly e-mail newsletter of Democratic events across the state.