Fox News Channel is hiring former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown as a contributor,
and the Republican is making his debut in prime time on Wednesday.
Brown’s political career is officially over,
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
Mark L. Bail says
the minute he lost to Elizabeth Warren. He accomplished nothing of note in his years in public service.
On the other hand, he’s good-looking. His wife is also in the “news” business. For a guy with limited ability, he’s done pretty well for himself.
My guess is that he’s marginally more intelligent than Palin, and if he can read from a teleprompter, he’ll do must fine.
Ryan says
The Sarah Palin of Massachusetts, who’d be doing the political version of Reality TV. Fox is as close to that as possible.
For the record, I also called Lynch switching to pro-choice.
People should tune into LeftAhead — while I’m still on a roll đŸ™‚
kbusch says
by the quarter-term Senator.
johnk says
with his vast experience. Palin had less, but she was there to make obnoxious statements and get press to talk about her. What’s Brown going to do? I don’t think this gig is going to last long. Brown can’t provide any kind of meaningful insight, nor is it his personality to start throwing bombs at the left. I don’t see it.
John Tehan says
Perhaps he’ll be relegated to being a fourth clown opposite Steve Doucy, Gretchen Carlson and the brown-haired guy who’s not Steve Doucy on Fox and Friends…
Jack Mitchell says
How much of Brown’s stipend from FOX will go towards paying an advisor to give him a perspective? He doesn’t have a Senate staff to prop him up, anymore. Would the Heritage Foundation do Brown this favor, pro bono? DeMint could use a likeable sock puppet. … *scatches chin*
Ryan says
The job comes with a script.