Check out the recently released poll.
“The poll, conducted by the MassINC Polling Group, finds that 38 percent of likely Democratic primary voters say they would vote for U.S. Rep. Ed Markey, of Malden, while 31 percent say they would vote for U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, of South Boston.”
I travel in a lot of progressive Democratic circles. It is easy to get the impression that 95% of Democrats are for Ed Markey. But there are many Democrats out there who are supporting Steve Lynch. He is a good man with a compelling story to tell. I have heard a few people make negative comments about Congressman Lynch. On an individual basis and more broadly here, I am urging people to be positive in this race. My friend Striker57 has led the way in keeping the tenor upbeat and positive on the Steve Lynch side.
There have been negative characteizations that I think it better not to repeat, but guard against ad hominem comments. It’s fine to make comparisons and discuss issues where there are disagreements. But keep your mind positive and open. Either candidate could be the nominee, and make no mistake about this, we are going to need EVERYONE after the primary.
Kate and I are entirely on the same page with regard to advocating for our candidates for US Senate. Debating / discussing / disagreeing on policy and positions (and campaign strategy for that matter) should be on a level that allows us all to unite behind the nominee.
As for BMG who have expressed some doubt about supporting Steve Lynch against Dan Winslow let me offer this article from ThinkProgress:
I intend to work damn hard for Steve Lynch and just as hard for the Democratic nominee starting May 1st.
Guess you rather have yacht buyers go to New Zealand, like John Kerry, and create jobs in other countries, rather than try to save a dying industry in MA, and offer incentives to buy boats built in MA. Because we have high labor and electrical costs, kinda need to incentivize folks to buy local, especially on a big ticket item like this, don’t you think?
Let me guess, nobody knows anyone who builds boats, am I right? Well, I do, or did. He built boats on Cape Cod for 4-5 years, before it went out of business. They sold for $500,000 a piece, custom built, 5 man operation I recall.
I will join you in supporting the Democratic Nominee over Dan Winslow or anyone else on May 1st, but repealing the sales tax for MA boats would benefit the economy a lot more than the members of a yacht club based in a harbor that’s mostly dry at low tide. Just saying. We need better stuff to use against him, and I’m sure there will be plenty.
His personal story is compelling, but there are a lot of people with compelling personal stories who would not make good a good US Senator.
Problems with Lynch:
His anti-choice record
His vote against Obamacare
His vote for the Iraq war
Given this record, there are a lot of Democrats who would have a hard time motivating themselves to vote for him in a general election, and they would be even less likely to volunteer or devote time and energy to such a campaign.
Again, with the exception of Tierney (because of other reasons) I can’t think of anyone less likely than Lynch to unite Democrats in a general election.
You do know this, right? Then he voted to pull the troops out of Afghanistan, before the killing of Osama Bin-Laden. I suppose Seal Team 6 could have been stationed on a boat or India, but they left Afghanistan to go get him.
Obamacare had no public option, reasonable for Lynch to vote against it. He did vote for the House version which did. Guess it comes down to a anti-choice record vs anti-jobs record that I have clearly demonstrated, Ed Markey is known for.
I didn’t mean to vote you down — don’t necessarily agree but think that your comments are reasonable.
In Massachusetts, all it takes for a Republican to get elected is for a goodly number of Democrats to stay home.
In 2012, both Warren & Obama blew the doors off of polls because their campaigns GOTV’d, well past what pollsters consider ‘likely voters.’
Don’t assume that Steve Lynch doesn’t know how to beat the odds with a keen GOTV strategy.
I can see why Lynch supporters don’t want these negatives repeated.
Kate is volunteering for the Markey campaign. She’s not a Lynch supporter, and she’s not referring to issues like women’s reproductive health or the ACA. There have been posts calling Lynch a DINO, etc, and I’m sure that’s what she’s referring to.
Kate’s not a Lynch supporter, unless (and until) Lynch wins the primary!
I don’t have an issue with Markey supporters raising Congressman Lynch’s voting record. That’s fair game – not a negative / personal assault – so making your case on a record doesn’t fall under Kate’s rational for this post (or my comment).
Congressman Markey’s early anti-choice position is fair game, as are his votes on trade, if you are obsessed on one issue like NAFTA.
Kate’s post was more about comments like those made by Mike_Cote and Danfwaltham.
“My idiot rep Lynch hasn’t said anything yet, but I still hate him enough to dump on any thought of that idiot announcing” Mike_Cote (Jan.2nd)
“I can’t stand this! Either s**t or get of the pot, you pathetic DINO Lynch! Enough, I am sick of being trollish here” Mike_Cote (Jan. 29th)
And basically any post from Danfwaltham.
Kate’s point was spewing hate and personal animosity does nothing to add to a rational debate (or change anyone’s mind). We all have had our regrettable posts where our emotions got the best of us but a pattern of repeated personal attacks – IMO – makes your posts valueless.
Have at over records and stated positions.