News reports put Rep. Winslow close to joining US Senate race (Talking Points Memo):
Massachusetts state Rep. Daniel B. Winslow (R) announced Tuesday that he had formed an exploratory committee and is “99 percent” certain that he will run in the special election to fill John Kerry’s Senate seat, the Boston Globe reports.
Winslow, a lawyer with a flair for the dramatic, brings an interesting resume. He has served as a district court judge and chief legal counsel to Governor Mitt Romney. He also recently dropped off vats of marshmallow fluff to Governor Deval Patrick’s budget chief to demonstrate what he argued was superfluous spending.
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And then subject himself to all our questioning. A fine public servant and I think he and whomever our nominee is will have substantive debate on the issues. He will not be seeing him make the same tired talking points Brown subjected us to. That said, he will be a vote for McConnell and will lose my vote.
At the risk of stating (or re-stating) the obvious, signatures are going to be a challenge. It’s cold out there!
one hopes for his sake that the “exploratory” phase of his campaign is relatively short!
signatures are not an issue, a sticker campaign will do.
that Bruce Tarr might jump in. And Doug Bennett seems to be in as well.
Still a challenge.
6% of the Republican primary voters from the previous special senate campaign. Challenge?
According to this:
…make the ballot by getting 10K write-ins in the primary?