My second favorite Senator (after Elizabeth Warren) might be Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) for two important reasons. The first, is that he has shown a blueprint for a truly economically populist progressive to win in a purple state and even run ahead of Obama; throwing fresh cold water on DLC style Rubinomics winning the day. The second, is that he has consistently advocated great progressive policies that actually attract bipartisan support. His latest is an effort to break up the banks and it actually has a very conservative co-sponsor in the form of Sen. David Vitter (R-LA and DC bordellos).
Sen. Warren strikes me as a natural supporter of this legislation, and I ask her to back it and put her more extensive political celebrity to use publicizing and advocating for it. I also ask any of our Senate candidates in either party to support this. The more grassroots support this gets, the harder it will be to ignore.
To the free market skeptics out there, this is not a socialist redistribution or nationalization scheme, but an essential regulation to keep our banking system competitive while protecting consumers and ensuring that a federal bank bailout would never happen again. If you don’t believe me read this fantastically wonky interview with Sen. Brown
Sherrod Brown is also one of my favorites. Ohioans should be as proud of him as we are of EW.
Glad to see him pushing the envelope on this issue — and to see, frankly, several different fronts opening on this issue (Brown/Vitter, Warren, Bernie Sanders’ every utterance, etc.) The more the merrier, imo.
So nice that there should be no ambiguity about who that is.
Not that there would be in this context anyway.