Today the Earth is at the point in its orbit, where because of the tilt in its axis, the sun shines on both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres equally.
If you haven’t seen the comet yet, it is not going to be visible for too much longer. Look West shortly after Sunset. As an aide on where to look, I recommend the following link: This Week’s Sky at a Glance
Please share widely!
joeltpatterson says
Calculus studies how fast things change, and the span of daylight will be changing fastest today and the next few days (it’s a point of inflection!). At the solstices, you should notice not so much change in the span of daylight, because the graph of daylight hours is leveling out at its maximum/minimum.
Jasiu says
n/t đŸ™‚
mike_cote says
I know how to create a link to an image already on the internet somewhere, but how would someone create a graphic and imbed it into a Post?
mike_cote says
Did you see the story about how a dog will instinctively use calculus while playing fetch. Mathematician’s Dog Knows Calculus
demeter11 says
vernal equinox, daylight and calculus.
I’m sure Julie Andrews would agree.