Another fantastic ad by the Lynch Campaign, perhaps David can promote the video…
The ad starts off with a work boot stomping on the ground and being tied, then a woman says “I am Stephen Lynch”. Then other people who walked in Stephen Lynch’s shoes, say the same phrase. One grew up in public housing, one went to law school, another an iron worker for 15 years, and one person, who looks like Matt Damon, said he is Stephen Lynch b/c he went to night school. Sort of reminds me of an Elvis song, “Walk a mile in my shoes”. Lynch closes the ad by saying he knows how hard we all work, and in the Senate, he will never forget it.
Overall, I believe this ad is as good as the Scott Brown truck ad, notice the big Ford F150 next to the woman in the ad. It connects with most people, perhaps even some on BMG. I love the dirty work boots, reminds me of the time when I replaced belts at different paper mills in New England. I guess I am Stephen Lynch…….are you?
As a supporter of Ed Markey, I can only hope so.
I must say it brings “sock puppet” to a whole new level. Eric Fehrnstrom must be proud!
A great ad, and crickets from the Markey team, not good.
from HuffPo –
is going to play a huge part in the primary. It’s going to be low turnout leaning toward party activists who won’t care much about commercials.
Is going to rely on this. I’d agree though that this kind of election will attract mostly moderate to high information voters. We will see. It’s always the ground game that wins elections not the air war.
I know this “I am …” approach is common fare in political ads, but personally I find it off-putting to be asked (rhetorically) to identify myself with a politician in this way. This kind of rhetorical device should be reserved for people banding together to find commonality with and to support someone who has be egregiously hurt by society or, in the case of W. Berlin, historical events (Ich bin ein Berliner), not by someone who wants your donations and votes to get a plumb job.
Saying “I am Edith Windsor” while standing in front of the Supreme Court as they hear her DOMA challenge case on Tuesday? Sure. But “I am Stephen Lynch” standing in his campaign office? I don’t think so.
But showing “by the bootstraps” folks, sure, that’s nice. Everyone loves clean yet gritty looking working Americans. If they’d have limited the script to “Like Stephen I …”, it would have been fine.
I’ve seen two TV ads for Lynch and one for Markey. Both of Lynch’s introduced him as a politician and were very, very good. Markey’s one ad starts with Charlton Heston and his “cold, dead hands” speech. It is an issue ad on gun control and good for what it is but doesn’t give you a larger view of Markey and may alienate some prospective voters.
Markey has to step up his game for the general, I think, if he makes it that far. (I hear his work with the local Dem committees has been consistent and deep so I suspect he will win the primary.)