Has anyone seen the new Lynch TV ad? It’s called “I Am Stephen Lynch” and, whatever else you may think of him or his candidacy, it’s an unbelievably effective ad. Indeed, it’s one of the best political ads I’ve ever seen. Link below:
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It’s a low turnout, low information election and if most undecideds think that Lynch is this great, up from the bootstraps iron worker who made it good in Washington, Markey could be in for a fight. Markey needs to start airing positive ads about his own record while also airing ads that contrast it with Lynch’s. My brother is a regular voter but not nearly the political junkie I am, he was leaning Lynch because of this ad and others until I told him about Lynch’s stances on the environment, Obamacare and gun control*. Now he is for Markey. This needs to get out there.
*And to the Eb3s and DFWs out there, yes those issues are important to blue collar people, my brother is a die hard Bruins fan, amateur hockey player, didn’t finish college, and drives a truck
Blue collar and most workers are most concerned about what Joe Biden called a three letter word, J-O-B-S.
If your brother is a truck driver, you want me to believe he would be against Keystone Pipeline or drilling in ANWR? His truck run on fairy dust or does it have a turbine where the old CB antenna use to be mounted?
Your brother aware of Markey’s NAFTA vote which now allows Mexican drivers to make deliveries inside the USA, bypassing the Teamsters? only a matter of time when these same Mexican drivers will make routine deliveries, business to business that is. How does your brother feel about that? Or did you fail to disclose all the information that could impact his livelihood?
If your brother owns his truck, how does high fuel prices help his bottom line? And if he really is a truck driver, well, most drivers conceal carry so I doubt he is for gun control in the way you or Ed Markey envision it.
Glad I got under his skin though.
yourself from doubts that your brother actually drives a truck.
But hey, as some trolls would say, “Stephen Lynch, Scott Brown, what’s the difference?”
Any in your circle of friends? If not, I can see your ambivalence toward them by supporting high gas prices and allowing foreign drivers to take away their jobs.
I loved my old cb radio back in the day. Anyway, I realize going point for point with me is a lose-lose situation for the both of you, but do your brother a favor, have him read my posts or comments on Markey, he will quickly get on the Lynch bandwagon. I mean, why would he vote himself out of a job or career by listening to you two?
Talk about low information voters, what about the whopper the MA coastline will be under water in 50 years. Break out the smelling salts on that one.
You concoct the political profile of someone you have never met with all the logic of, “if there is an R in the month, then a truck driver must lean Republican”.
Since the driver is known to, as in he is a family member of JConway, I am far more inclined to accept his presentation, not yours.
I know for a fact that Lynch has worn white pants after Labor Day, so he will never get my vote.
Now that I have taught you the difference, will you now vote for Lynch?
I can only imagine all the negative thoughts you had when you saw people wearing winter white pants (perhaps even me) after Labor Day and now just realizing we were the ones “styling and profiling” and you were stuck wearing your dark colors.
Friends of Mike Cote, please purchase a pair of winter white pants for his birthday, or have Santa put one under the Christmas tree.
You may remember this little gem A Dilemma with a DINO, so if I were you, I wouldn’t count on it. Even if there is an “April Surprise” and Markey dropped out of the race, I would still not vote for Lynch, I would simply write-in MIKE_COTE. As someone with a preexisting condition, the ACA vote is more important to me than any other issue: more important than NAFTA, more important the Keystone, etc., etc, in fact, I will go so far as to say that should Lynch win the primary by some miracle, I have doubts as to how I would vote in the actual election. Finally, winter white pants are not appropriate in October.
as having anything to do with an election, for U.S. Senate no less.
For that matter, I have yet to understand how being an iron worker has anything to do with being a senator — despite my abiding pro-labor position.
Can we have an election about governing, positions on issues and, since they both have voting records, their voting records?
DFTT and I failed
is to make fun of them. I haven’t done an empirical study, but repeated jokes are their expense and refusal to take them seriously may be as effective as ignoring them.
In response to Demeter’s question, we can’t have a discussion about positions, etc. with our troll because he has no ideological consistency. He’s smart enough, but his support is based on identifying with a candidate and then coming up with rational-sounding reasons to support him, i.e. twenty years ago, Lynch’s opponent voted for a trade bill that was supported by other liberals.
Boxer, Feinstein, Wellstone, Rockefeller, Reid, , Moynihan, Mikulski, Kohl, Inouye, Hollings, John Glenn, Feingold, Cambpell, Byrd, Latenberg, Akaka, Levin, and even a few good Republicans like Smith of NH ( I know, pro-life, spare me), and Al “The Fonz” D’Amato of NY.
The Dems that voted for NAFTA are typically those that come from inherited wealth or married it like Kennedy or Kerry. Throw in Daschle and Leahy, and most Republicans, and you have your free traders.
The vast majority of liberals voted against NAFTA, your comment above is very misleading.
I was on the staff of one of the cabinet members, and I was asked to take a loyalty oath.
I asked, “If I were truly disloyal, would I hesitate to take a loyalty oath?”