I mean really, the guy (is he a guy?) calls himself Ernie Boch III, which gets him in trouble with the real Boch family, so he changes his online persona to the lame joke he now has, and posts such utter drivel that it’s an embarrassment to BMG.
And don’t even get me started on today’s nonsense – if ever there was an argument for flood control on this site, his latest post and the comments he’s made elsewhere are it. I’m starting to wonder if DFW and EB3 are two sides of the same coin…
Please share widely!
If someone wrote a post calling another poster a “Tool”, many of us would be quite upset, but with future Senator Markey posting here, I find it quite offensive to have him referred to as a “Tool”, by someone with alleged Republican leanings in particular. I believe it will do nothing but discourage reasonable and fair discussion here.
I have gone to great effort to not refer to Lynch as a Pathetic DINO for some time now. I believe only once in the past several weeks (not counting this), because some people here objected, and I would hope the same level of civility could be shown by others (EB3 and DFW in particular).
Do I make your blood boil. Do you kick the dog after reading me.
If so then I am reaching my goals.
Thanks guys.
Is this not the definition of being a Troll?
…this is the closest I think we have seen to a confession.
I think Markey can take it- he’s been in politics a long time. Don’t get too offended on his account, Mike.
He seems to have a lot more time on his hands to respond to everything today.
My bitches didn’t show today.
The life of a pimp is never easy.
BMG is getting like a Tarantino movie today.
doing nothing but venting my opinion on BMG, all day everyday
as you in the movie version.
I can see it now. BMG. The Movie.
What do the call a Quarter Pounder in France?
So who gets the Travolta part?
of Ryan’sTake fame.
The guys a stud on camera
Amanda Plumber’s Role.
opinion and act like an A-hole everyday, you’d be Howie Carr. And Boston ain’t big enough for the two of yuh.
ultimately she has the heart of a troll.
John, don’t feed her.
Troll Chow here.
and what do they call a quatrer pounder in France?
Metrics in europe. No quarters and no pounders.
Here is the clip from Pulp Fiction where it is discussed
’til we look under the rocks. It wasn’t too long ago someone of particular import on this site was praising eb3 for his prescient calling-out of a certain Ms. Carmen Ortiz (whose alter ego might even be eb3.)
A little political theater sprinkled liberally amongst analysis of the fate of the Commonwealth and the Nation is not such a bad thing for those of us with admittedly slightly warped senses of humor.
Congressman Markey is not beyond reproach but he is a tad better than the rest of the field. More Elizabeth Warrens, please!
EBIII is fine with me…don’t always agree with EBIII, but I know enough to know that EBIII has a pretty good handle on what’s really going on…I think he gets under the skin of many younger BMGers because he is not as willing to get in the Democratic poobah kick line for annointed candidates…I see that as a good thing…never hurts to confront the truth of the matter and debate the facts rather than conform to a party line that we wish were true.
PS…kudos to Warren so far and continued boo’s to Carmen Ortiz.
have an A-hole buddy? I had one that used to get us kicked out of places–bars, (ahem) clubs, even Denny’s once–when we were young. One time at Coney Island Dogs in Worcester, his talk was so obscene people that were picking up their food and moving to other parts of the restaurant. That was 25 years ago, but you know what I’m talking about.
Ernie knows stuff. Jean Dixon or Madame Cleo he ain’t, but he has scuttlebutt no one else around here has. Should BMG be haunted only by us latte sippers? What’s life without someone you know rubbing you the wrong way?
P.S. I like mine vanilla-flavored with an extra shot of expresso.
The working class hero thing is an act way past its prime, DFW milked that cow dry and now EB3 is trying to do the same. I just don’t buy it, he obviously has lots of connections in the legal community and within Beacon Hill. Many of us come from blue collar backgrounds and don’t adhere to all the tropes. Just because I support gun control, climate change legislation, universal health care and social liberalism does not make me an out of touch ‘limo liberal’ and we feed into that sterotype by calling ourselves the latte drinkers and calling him a man of the people. Nearly every progressive I know comes from a blue collar background, if we were all rich we’d be Republicans after all
what did your parents do for a living?
I can’t exactly say I’m from a blue collar background myself, as my Dad had sort of a white collar state job all his life, in the prison education system. Now his dad, he was a truck driver. But I think most of the progressives here are probably closer to middle class than either limousines or pickup trucks. And I’d wager that very few (if any) RMGers or BMGers currently work in so-called “blue collar” occupations.
I am really sick and tired of answering this question from the likes of Eb3 and DFW, but I’ll answer it again.
My ma is a retired secretary from Watertown High School, my dad is a retired mental health and substance abuse counselor. My ma married out of high school, had my brother and sister, got divorced, was a single mom on welfare for awhile, took classes at Bunker Hill through CEDA, got a basic accounting certificate and worked for Oz out in Waltham until I was born. Became stay at home until 96′ when dad had his insurance and hours cut and she had to go to work. Worked at Throndike street for Cambridge Public until she transferred to Watertown high in 2000.
Dad took classes at Beverly and North Shore CC, worked as a draftsman at Adwood and Murrow in Salem, then worked a series of jobs at various mental health programs through the state. Met mom in 86′, they got engaged in 87, married in 88 and had me same year. Dad was pursuing a criminal justice degree at Beverly CC but stopped taking courses when I was born. Worked at Salem hospital, a mental health unit in Lynn, a private one in Westwood, and finally at the Shulman center in Downtown Boston before getting laid off in 2002. Hasn’t worked since.
On my dads side one uncle is a carpenter, the other a cabbie, the other a painter. On my ma’s side uncle is an out of work mason.
My sister is a CNA in Marlboro, her husband is a cook/carpenter, my nephew is a cook. She has been on Section 8 since she left the towers in North Cambridge. Lived in Chelsea before Marlboro.
I’m the only one in my family to complete a bachelors degree. Hope that answers your question. I am currently unemployed, though I’ll admit all my experience to date is more white collar (at blue collar pay though).
What do you do for a living?
Mom: worked as a secretary out of high school. Met my dad, who was employed in the same office as a messenger. After having kids she didn’t work for a while, then became a secretary in our Catholic grammar school. No college. Her father worked 45 years for the Edison company as a union electrician, minus 4 in the Pacific during WWII. Her mother sold knives door-to-door until all the kids were older, then worked as a special ed paraprofessional in NYC public schools until she was 74. Neither of my maternal grandparents spent a day in college.
My uncle was a union carpenter in the 70s and is a self-employed home improvement guy who’s generally broke. My aunt is a part-time special ed teacher married to a U.S. customs employee. They have trouble making the mortgage each month.
My dad worked as a waiter after high school, joined the Air Force for college money. Spent two years in Vietnam. Worked odd jobs as he got a bachelors in accounting. Worked a few years for the phone company, has been an accountant for a non-profit for years.
His mother left school in the 9th grade in the Depression, his father became a lawyer at the age of 50 after 10 years of night school. His sister worked for the state, her husband put in three decades with the railroads, last 5 years cleaning toilets to make his pension. Their kids include a teacher, guy with a tree removal business, unemployed.
My brother loads UPS trucks. My sister’s a pharma lab tech. Her husband works in a warehouse. My wife is a high school teacher. Her parents grew up in the projects in Puerto Rico. Her dad is now a welder.
I have done every kind of job imaginable, went to a fancy law school, worked at a fancy law firm, got laid off, have worked sporadically for two years. Never had a latte in my life. I constantly talk to people about how blue collar people get screwed. If blue collar people want to discriminate against anyone or mess up the environment, I say they’re wrong. If I like the “anointed candidate,” I support him/her. If the “anointed candidate” pisses me off on issues, I don’t.
Am I now allowed to have opinions and think EB3 (with whom I sometimes agree on substance) has a stale act?
Thats how I play it too. Last time around the anointed candidate was Coakley and I backed Capuano. I packed Murray over Silber who was BMGs anointed candidate. And I respected Tom Reilly who a lot of people bashed here as a decent and hardworking person who should’ve stayed AG.
Economic issues are a lot more important to me than social issues, it’d be hard for me to vote for someone who opposed marriage equality, but I will never vote for a union buster, so Lynch has my vote if he wins this primary. But no need to tear down Markey, who is also from a blue collar background and has fought for the people in his district for almost three decades.
And latte drinkers are good people too, but I prefer my coffee ‘regulah’ or black.
as a counselor. Thanks for your thorough answer, jconway. Sounds a lot like my family, actually. You went to UChicago, right? I went there for a couple of years but kind of flunked out (thye were kind enough to give me 3 “W”‘s my last semester there, instead of “F”‘s). Eventually got my bachelor’s at UMass Boston.
Anyway, good luck with the job search. It sucks to be unemployed- I’ve been there, all too recently.
Just looked at my transcript to send to a job and realized how terrible my first two years were, plenty of W’s, plenty of other letters too I’d rather not discuss.
But once I made it through the core and switched to history it was smooth sailing.
And I’ve been to the Pine Street Inn a few times to volunteer and appreciate the work you guys do.
Such a person would not be my friend or I theirs. I have yet to be convinced that he knows anything out of the ordinary either.
But he’s the best poster on this site. Lots of great local insight and the instincts to know who’s full of shit. I don’t necessarily buy that blue collar angle either though. Not because it’s no longer relevant, but because he strikes me as the faux blue collar type. You know, Weymouth Or Medford, not Southie or Lynn.
Blue collar implies hard work.
You know me?
You think you know me?
You don’t know me!
Nobody knows me.
Tarbender, another Cutty Sark, straight up.
And close the goddamn door, the lights coming in
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Think I’ll eat some worms.
First you bite the head off,
Then you suck the guts out,
Then you throw the rest away.
The “tool” headline was over the top. That said, I’ve seen other candidates addressed herein with more venom that EB3 has shown Markey to date.
You have a gift here. How many other post-ers would generate this kind of heat? This is not your average troll. There’s flashes of real wit and more than a little artistry, especially in those lengthy multi-topic posts. I don’t care who he is–authenticity’s over-rated; or whether everything he spouts is factual; or even that the voice is become a bit of a shtick. I DO know that three of him would be overkill, but when he’s on, I’ll admit that I find his stuff entertaining as hell. Yeah, my tastes are running a little lowbrow these days. But I need a break from my own bleak earnestness.
I think it’s a mistake to make a whole post about fka-ernie. It’s more than enough that he makes so many of his own, which so often wind up being all about him, without saving him even that small effort. It’s not just feeding him, it’s catering a banquet for him, on your tab.
to EB3’s post saying Markey was too much of a tool to be senator. It’s more tongue in cheek than anything serious, and EB3 was one of the first recommenders.
EB3 was one of the first recommenders. The whole point is to get attention. I think Kirth’s point is DFTT.