Here in the sleepy little town of Milford, MA, we have a giant bearing down on us with promises of an increased tax base and a robust business presence in what is currently zoned as a residential neighborhood. Who is this giant? David Nunes, of Crossroads Massachusetts, together with Foxwoods Casino, want to compete for a casino license recently authorized by our legislature. They’ve convnced some of my town’s leaders to listen to them, and so far, the Board of Selectmen hasn’t shut down the discussions. Promises of an increased commercial tax base are getting a listen, while the voices of those who say a casino will forever change our town are in danger of being drowned out.
Many, many town residents don’t want a casino in town, and especially the folks who live near the proposed site. There are basically three spots where we can stop this:
– The Board of Selectmen can say they are no longer interested, and that would end things right there.
– If the BOS approves the plan, it will be put to a referendum vote within the town
– If the casino wins the referendum, town meeting will have to approve the zoning change by a 2/3 majority vote
We’re not taking any chances – we’re organizing now with lawn signs and bumper stickers for any referendum that may be coming our way.
A couple of years ago, I got fed up with the software our candidates were using when running for office. Too often I would gather volunteers for a foot canvass or a phone bank, only to have to wait for paper copies of data from the system, wasting valuable volunteer hours. Being a software engineer, I did what I always do when I encounter software that doesn’t work correctly – I wrote my own grassroots organizing software! It’s been a labor of love, and I had a team of folks from the Greater Blackstone Valley Dems helping me design features that would be truly useful – thus was born ORGANIZE!
We are currently using this software to organize our opposition to the casino, and it’s performing admirably. Now I’d like to make it available to the world, and I’m putting it out at three very affordable prices – please click through to my GoFundMe page for a complete description:
Thanks for your time and consideration! And BTW, if you like the look of the site, everything but the logo was designed by Lynne from LeftInLowell, send her some thanks for a job well done!
I already voted for selectmen in my hometown. A Planning Board candidate Lew Colten will welcome Benjamins on Blue Monday April 1, 2013 at La Cantina Italiana Ristorante on 911 Waverly Street, Framingham, Massachusetts 01702 USA. Ask for Lew at (508)788-0210. Colten is pro-business, pro-developer and pro-middle-class jobs when necessary. He holds a degree in architechture.