(Cross-posted from The COFAR Blog)
I’m not sure if the members of the House and Senate Ways & Means Committees are aware of this, but it appears there is a major snowstorm going on this morning.
There’s probably a foot and a half of snow out here where I live in Hvad in Central Mass., and I understand there’s close to a foot of snow accumulation in Boston.
Yet, it appears the joint Ways and Means Committees are going ahead this morning with a major public hearing on the state budget. As the communications person for COFAR, I was planning on attending the hearing and presenting testimony on our FY 14 legislative priorities.
The hearing began at 10 a.m. The problem is, the snow has been coming down all morning; it’s now past 11, and I’ve spent the last hour digging my car out of my driveway. I’m taking a break to write this. I’m assuming there are others who were planning to attend this hearing who are in the same situation as I am.
As a result, a few questions have occurred to me: Why is a major public hearing on the state budget being held during a major snowstorm? Why wasn’t it rescheduled? Doesn’t this demonstrate a disregard for the public on the part of some of our key elected officials?
By the way, why hasn’t governor announced a travel ban in the state? If he did, would the Ways and Means Committees still hold their “public” hearing anyway?
More of the same, corrupt officails and processes. Why do we stand for this? Didn’t Deval announce the Fernald Developmental Center’s “closure” – i.e., mass eviction of mentally retarded people from their home – during a snow storm? Expect very bad news.
There was less need for a ban. My understanding is that the MBTA did not entirely shut down and I don’t think Boston even closed school. There’s also no parking ban up here in Lowell. Presumably if there were a travel ban the legislature would not meet.
…that postponing a major hearing might not have been smart anyway.
I wonder how many committee members made it into Boston.