Huffington Post is reporting that Kelly Ayotte’s approval rating is falling dramatically (15%) as a result of the reprehensible Gun Safety votes of last week. I can only hope that the entire GOP gets saddled with the “Party of Child Murders” moniker.
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Christopher says
There was a time you wouldn’t dare suggest firearm regulation up there. It was about as suicidal as suggesting the introduction of a sales or income tax.
mike_cote says
so maybe things are getting better, if only slowly?
Christopher says
The difference even since I worked for the state party in 2002 is noticeable.
Christopher says
…many Merrimack Valley communities in MA act like they are part of NH circa 1990 or wish they were.
mike_cote says
as someone of French Canadian descent, a grudge is a terrible thing to waste, and many people in the Merrimack Valley are similarly of French Canadian descent.
Mon Dieu!
merrimackguy says
as does the MV. The major trend in NH is that the western and northern parts of the state have gone blue, in much the same way once red Vermont is now bright blue.
Christopher says
Salem is Republican, but Nashua is very Democratic.
jconway says
Massholes may bitch and moan about taxes but once try move they are used to good schools, good roads, and good healthcare and start getting antsy and want to spend some greenbacks and soon enough its become a blue state. It’s still the state with the northernmost NASCAR speedway though. Also will voters remember this by 16′?
merrimackguy says
Because if you care about schools you don’t move there. If your kid has any learning issues you never would move there. The comparison is very stark. When I lived there I sent my kid to private school. Now living in MA my kids are going to public school. The people that move there seem to do so because they are the ones looking for “more bang for the buck” the larger house and property than the same about would buy in MA. Not sure what kind of voter that is. I know that many people, when newspaper reading was more popular, focused on the negative MA press and that influenced their voting (see Kerry, NH, 2004).
The crazy thing is that if you work in MA (note: the pay’s better) you’re paying the MA income tax anyway, and NH property taxes are off the hook. All you’re really saving is car insurance, and since MA deregulation that differential has narrowed as well.
whosmindingdemint says
The “moderate” sidekick of that famous “moderate” Scott p brown?