you had time to disapprove of my comment yet no time to articulate an answer? Help me here John, will you?
Back up your request.
You can articulate your thoughts John, right?
Go ahead, give it a shot.
You’d be surprised what you can do when you think.
I am partly to blame for posting on both posts last night and letting him egg me on, I say keep them up so the editors know that their favorite “color commentator” is just as vile and ignorant as the typical Howie Carr caller. If that’s the company they choose to keep so be it, we should just boycott his posts and stop commenting on them.
…for the world to see Ernie in true form.
really boys, you don’t have to even open them, never mind get on line to argue with him or her. He’s entitled to his opinion after all.
Even if we don’t personally read his posts we are concerned about how BMG looks with the nonsense that he posts.
It means I’ve contributed 39 bucks to support BMG for a year. Of course Earnie hasn’t either.
I’ve always thought I should join. In a way of course that would not document my identity. After reading your excellent response to christopher I said to myself that I would put it on the front burner. Mail them two twentys wrapped in paper with a note written from magazine and newspaper cut outs.
BUT THEN David went ahead and said this…
To be clear: everyone (except maybe EB3) is relieved and grateful to law enforcement that the operation concluded successfully,
So Judy I told him to go eff himself.
And there ain’t no way I’m given him forty bucks.
I don’t relish reading eb3, but, in this case, it seems to me there are some quite legitimate questions we can pull out of his, er, contributions.
Certainly, I’m relieved and grateful this whole thing has been resolved (assuming there are no accomplices out on the loose). It’s also a given that this kind of police activity is thankfully rare and not something at which we expect our local police force to overwhelmingly excellent at. And yes, we owe a great deal of gratitude to the police and the FBI.
At the minimum, though, there seem to be some lessons to be learned here — and policing units striving toward excellence are probably already examining these questions and more expertly than we can here. Questions are: (1) How was it possible that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was able to escape the police as his brother was dying? It looks as if some kind of tactical error occurred. No?
(2) Why was Dzhokhar discovered outside the perimeter of the searched area? Was the search area set too narrowly? Was the wrong kind of search undertaken?
One might want to think carefully about these questions especially because the Tsarnaevs were not particularly well-trained at this kind of operation. There’s even a fair bit of evidence that, with Tamerlan’s boxing career going nowhere and him being a stay-at-home Dad and with Dzhokhar evidently failing out of college, this was more individual than ideological. Should we face more talented adversaries, the results could be much worse.
…as I said in one of Ernie’s post–sure they are legitimate questions and Somervilletom has equally legitimate points going in another direction. But certainly Ernie’s tone and rhetoric completely distort the weight on these mistakes. Yes, lots of review and adjustments to the procedures is needed. Yes, we are lucky that no one got hurt or killed because we did not find him sooner. But we didn’t. And thankfully the victim of the carjacking was not killed, or the MBTA policeman, or more cops weren’t hurt of killed in the car chase / shot out or the death toll from the bombings were not worse. Thankfully none of that happened. What happened is terrible enough.
In the big picture, Ernie’s point is small. Like him.
search probably send food back in restaurants demanding your money’s worth.
Yet you think the results from the all the actions taken by law enforcement after Monday were adequate when considering the amount of money society has spent preparing and executing for occasions such as this.
Do you really think the the authorities are willingly going to tell us how the fucked up?
Really pogo, this isn’t the goddam League of Woman Voters or the Toastmasters you ….
oh wait, I’ll be polite…you person who I disagree with, you
The bombs at the Boston Marathon were designed to maim and kill, and they did. Three people died within the first moments of the blast. More than a hundred and seventy people were injured. They had their limbs blown off, vital arteries severed, bones fractured, flesh torn open by shrapnel or scorched by the blasts’ heat. Yet it now appears that every one of the wounded alive when rescuers reached them will survive.
He describes scenes at Boston hospitals where nurses and doctors, extraordinarily well trained for such emergencies, quickly self-organized, and, for example at his hospital, prepared 8 rooms for the right kind surgery in advance of patients showing up. Every such room was used. And throughout Boston, no single hospital was overtaxed. The medical response was technically impressive in addition to being heroic.
largely for the reasons stated by kbusch. I don’t especially care for EB3’s two posts, either in terms of timing or content. But it does seem fair to ask how a 19-year-old, untrained (as far as anyone knows), bleeding, seriously injured stoner was able to elude 9,000 cops putting on the biggest show of force Boston has ever seen for as long as he did by climbing into a boat in someone’s yard in the very area they were searching. It is a minor miracle that the guy who found him wasn’t killed or seriously hurt, and that guy shouldn’t have been put in that position.
To be clear: everyone (except maybe EB3) is relieved and grateful to law enforcement that the operation concluded successfully, and certainly the identifications of the two suspects happened with impressive speed. Still, we shouldn’t be afraid to ask how things could have gone even better than they did.
To be clear: everyone (except maybe EB3) is relieved and grateful to law enforcement that the operation concluded successfully,
No, really, go fuck yourself!!!!
the rules are different for you?
that’s ok I guess but never call someone an idiot.That hurts their feelings.
I have my own code i guess. One I cam live with.
to law enforcement. That’s why I worded my comment that way. Perhaps I have misinterpreted your position – if so, please do clarify.
I’m grateful he’s captured.
N But real quick here, i don’t have time.
Pats just won 71 − 70. How good do you feel about the defense for next week’s game.
Read Matt Connolly the past two days, including comments.
Thank you law enfoprcemnt for catchin g them,
How much oral sex do you recommend performing on the law enforcement types before pointing out the abundance of evidence that show the culprit was caught in spite of the lousy work by the cops and we are lucky others weren’t killed.
Also evidence exists that the feds knew of these guys for a few years, had files on them, interviewed at least one of them before, yet never could identify them from photos or have them watched post marathon like I assume others were. Why was the MIT cop killed again David?
Who cares I guess. Is that what you are saying David?
Before I point all this out I should thank them for what again David? For showing up? For running good press conferences?
For what David?
Don’t confuse these dudes with the men and women assigned to the Marathon who jumped into action when the bombs went off.
Ids that the problem David? If so I am sorry. I thought I mentioned my gratitude to them before I went off on their bosses.
Should I praise them more david? What is the appropriate amount of praise required before pointing out that the incompetence of law enforcement could have resulted in more deaths?
Sorry David, I’m not hopping on the self-indulgent train of wrapping the American Flag around me and daring people to say a bad word about Boston.
Whatever happened to questioning authority? Is this the new liberalism? Has a hint of fascism wouldn’t you say David?
Whatever happened to questioning authority? Is this the new liberalism? Has a hint of fascism wouldn’t you say David?
… is not liberal and is no less corrupt than a situation in which an authority is in need of questioning to begin with.
I think the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally and we are lucky more people were not killed yesterday.
Is that a fair assessment of our disagreement?
I think the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally and we are lucky more people were not killed yesterday.
Is that a fair assessment of our disagreement?
Of all the possible outcomes, and I mean every last permutation of every last decision made, there is not a single outcome that would provide a difference to you such that you would not use it to spew your bile: in short, and in total, there’s absolutely nothing done that would have affected the outcome in any way: the specific case of you bitching grossly, and with real venom, about something, real or manufactured, would have occured nonetheless; you could have started writing any one of your recent screeds on Thursday morning and published them yesterday and today with edits only for basic facts.
There is not a single outcome that would prevent you from uttering the sentence “the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally.” Not one.
that’s all petr.
There is not a single outcome that would prevent you from uttering the sentence “the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally.” Not one.
Here are some outcomes I’d prefer:
A strong and effective national policy about gun and ammunition tracking prevented the suspects from amassing the many weapons they would have otherwise used in their escapades.
A skilled and competent team of federal intelligence experts coordinated closely with their Russian counterparts and apprehended an amateur would-be terrorist, along with his younger brother, as the pair collected bomb-making materials in their Cambridge apartment.
An elite group of two dozen highly trained professionals located and apprehended the wounded and bleeding suspect sometime after the chaos of Thursday night/Friday morning. The rest of the city went about its business as usual.
The hundreds of millions of dollars being squandered on utterly useless “security” (such as very expensive screens that flashed “no smoking” onto platforms that were empty anyway because the whole system was shut down) and lost commerce and wages were instead used to build the Green Line extension, replace wornout coaches and locomotives, and invest in a 21st century transit system. I suspect that the entire region spent at least as much as the difference between the competing tax plans on Friday’s ultimately ineffective show of massive and overwhelming force.
We are spending ENORMOUS sums on kikuki theater like we saw on full display Friday, while receiving NO measurable return. Would we have been more secure if twice as many responders and vehicles were present? No. How about half as many? I think that what we saw in this episode is that our elaborate and very expensive “security” apparatus is pure garbage — at best incompetent and ineffective at preventing terror attacks, and at worst a cynical ruse for the imposition of a dangerously powerful and equally corrupt authoritarian government.
You wrote:
There is not a single outcome that would prevent you from uttering the sentence “the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally.” Not one.
I won’t try to speak for eb3. I will say that outcomes along the lines of what I offer above are possible and, in my opinion, preferable to what we saw.
I think we’re buying elephant powder and indulgences about “security” when we have a long list of clear, present, measurable, and immediate needs.
about ‘security theater’ but every case deserves to be looked at individually to see if there should be exceptions, and I believe this is one of them.
Shutting down the area was key in being able to stop him from going further.
If the MBTA was open, if cabs were available, if people could come and go from Watertown and the area, he may have got away.
Was shutting down all of Boston extreme? Sure, but when a criminal and terrorist is lobbing hand-made grenades at cops and placing pressure cookers where they could do the most damage on Monday, extreme measures were called for.
We should assume he had access to the news and twitter and knew exactly what areas were shut down, which means he knew he had no hope. If only Watertown was effected, given how well he demonstrated he could slip away, he may have gotten out and have been able to get on the subway and get away for additional days or weeks before we caught him, and further people could have died.
But it does seem fair to ask how a 19-year-old,
… are ignoring whatever real and valuable questions need to be asked.
EBIII, and you, can’t have it both ways: ask the questions straight up and wait for, and accept, the answers without criticism or criticize based upon your a priori knowledge, if you have any. But can’t put complaints ahead of the questions because you think you already know the answers…
Personally, I also think EBIII is losing what’s left his sanity. No, that’s not a dig or an insult. I think it true. There’s a reason they call it post traumatic: the problems manifest much after the trauma is experienced.
can’t have it both ways? This blog is based on people asking questions, criticizing, and hopefully getting answers.
Are you saying I need to be high brow on the capture?
I truly do not follow.
BTW as to m sanity, how do you know how much is in my bank account? For al you know I could be eccentric rather than insane.
can’t have it both ways? This blog is based on people asking questions, criticizing, and hopefully getting answers.
.. you have turned that completely on its ear: you presume answers, criticize and, only then, put up questions apparently in the hopes of legitimizing your, clearly a priori, disdain. Others have ‘backed’ you up because they think there might be legit questions, and so there might, but you’re not asking them.
You don’t like the process that led us to the outcome, and you hide behind others whom you say are in similar dudgeon, in order to presume, without proof or intellectual underpinnings, that a better process could have been, and therefore should have been, inveighed. Further, as others have pointed out, if a different process had gone wrong, you’d be in similar grandstanding mode. I think there is plenty of proof in you prior posts to support this view. Therefore it’s possible to conclude that you simply want to complain, loudly and vehemently. It might be, as I said, how you deal with what is the first day of the post trauma period. I have no wish to reward you for that and suggest that you find a better method to deal with the trauma.
BTW as to m sanity, how do you know how much is in my bank account? For al you know I could be eccentric rather than insane.
Now, that was funny. Made me laugh out loud.
you, can’t have it both ways: ask the questions straight up and wait for, and accept, the answers without criticism or criticize based upon your a priori knowledge, if you have any. But can’t put complaints ahead of the questions because you think you already know the answers…
Didn’t I do pretty much exactly what you suggest – ask the question and then wait for the answer? I said:
it does seem fair to ask how a 19-year-old, untrained (as far as anyone knows), bleeding, seriously injured stoner was able to elude 9,000 cops putting on the biggest show of force Boston has ever seen for as long as he did by climbing into a boat in someone’s yard in the very area they were searching.
What’s inaccurate in that question? Am I assuming facts not in evidence? I don’t think so, other than the bit about training, and I think that’s a pretty safe assumption. And there very may well be a terrific answer. I’d like to know what it is, and I think everyone else in the city would too. I’m certainly not the only person wondering – numerous posts during the day of the “lockdown” on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere were asking exactly the same thing: how can it be taking so long to find this guy?
Didn’t I do pretty much exactly what you suggest – ask the question and then wait for the answer? I said:
.. by holding EBIII up as, somehow, legitimately asking questions you think are important you slight the questions and appear to want it both ways: answers to the questions and the right to kvetch regardless of the answers.
I still think you should take down EBIIIs recent posts, and perhaps, if you feel there are legit quesitons, open an entirely separate thread addressing those questions without EBIIIs particularly histrionic brand of sturm und drang
EB3 is the Rob Eno of BMG.
Blue Mass Group would be boring if everyone posting here had the same perspective and wrote with the same style. Yes, sometimes his jokes are hackneyed, and he can be abrasively un-PC, but overall Eb3’s posts are insightful, particularly the “inside baseball” ones. (My pet theory is that EB3 is a Court Officer at the State House.)
If you don’t like what EB3 writes, then don’t read it. But stifling divergent (or deviant!) opinions would make for boring blog.
violation of the cardinal law of the internet, Godwin’s, in some of the comments of those diaries — inferring that those who disagreed with EB3 would have been the ones to ‘hop on’ the holocaust trains.
Those were deleted, thankfully, but it should be noted that eb3 said them.
And all the times that EB3 has called other BMGers “homo” and “fag”.
the misogyny
hate chicks.
I think I compared some of the seemingly blind lovers of all things law enforcement to Nazi pacifiers. Including those whose blindness lead to the execution.
Question Authority People!
My God where did the 60s go? We’re suppose top be counting on the BMGers of the world to carry the torch now.
Well that sucks.
I haven’t seen any BMGers with balls.
If you are afraid to criticize law enforcement that you have no right calling yourself a political activist?
Bunch of wusses
Look back through Ryan’s history here. He has been very willing to take on a fight the power attitude, sometimes to a greater extent than I’m comfortable with and have said so, when he feels it is appropriate.
WE go way back. How dare you interfere with this special and beautiful relationship.
Ryan, I love ya man.
but since you insisted on a pair of orbed objects, here you go…
An Online Wellness Check for Ernie. — Why Ernie’s So Wrong! — Plus, Some Good Responses.
Anyone notice a somewhat recent pattern of increasingly unhinged posts from our resident shock-jock, Ernie?
Whether it’s her strange and constant obsession with Whitey Bulger’s trial and press coverage, portraying this murderer as some random dude who’s unfairly being put down by the man or something, or her posts decrying the Globe for having the temerity to suggest Boston cabbies should stop being robbed blind by their bosses, there’s a lot of, um, material to look it.
I generally cast aside most of these kinds of posts from Ernie. After all, what’s a wannabe Boston Boxcar sleuth to do when their man is caught than find some other way to obsess over it? And the rest of the lousy posts clearly fall under EB3’s little inner troll problem.
The best is when she mixes the two traits, like railing against a particular DA as often as Paul wrote love songs, before anyone even cared, then when everyone gets on board and Ernie could have used her cred to lead the efforts, jumping ship and being that DA’s biggest BMG defender. Classic internet obsessive/troll behavior. It belongs somewhere here.
That’s what I even thought when Ernie decided to be pretty much the only person in Greater Boston (and perhaps the world) to suggest the Boston cops over the past few days were eating donuts instead of getting shot at and saving lives. Nearly everyone thought the cops did great, so it was time for Ernie to bust out some inane posts grasping for straws, armchair quarterbacking that the absolutely massive door-to-door search didn’t go a few doors to the left, instead.
After all, that gets way more attention than another post amongst the millions to thank the cops.
Yet, Ernie had to step in it even more, and this time it was so far out there and so strange for someone as internet savvy as Ernie that it’s different. You see, anyone who thinks that Ernie’s wrong is like the people “who hopped on the Nazi trains because the men in uniforms told them to.”
It was the point at which I realized Ernie may not just be trolling anymore. It’s starting to sound like a cry for help.
Ernie — while I can’t physically knock on your door, I’m here digitally and have some questions. No, not the questions I should be asking if I were your therapist, because you can answer those questions here. They’re personal, after all.
I just want to know if you’re generally alright. Has Ernie Boch Jr. narrowed the perimeter to within 20 blocks of your house?
Something must be going on. I mean breaking the Cardinal Rule of the Internet and bringing up Nazis is bad enough, but doing so in such a way as to suggest I’d have been the first to sign myself up for a trip to the Nazi gas chamber? That’s just insanity.
So, assuming this isn’t a physical or mental problem, or even a personal one, and your recent calls for attention aren’t really a cry for help, I think you may want to at least check in with the good Dr. Fiona.
Really, Ernie, an MIT cop dies and a transit officer was in critical condition, and you don’t think the cops were doing everything they could do to get the guys?
Let’s try to think of how the cops under assault must have felt as hand-grenades were being lobbed from stolen cars at them and assault weapons were being fired in their direction, knowing that the terrorists already killed one of their own? You don’t think they were doing everything they could?
You know, if cops have any reputation, they have a reputation of going to any ends to get the man who took one of their own. You’re a self-proclaimed expert of everything, you should know that.
Pogo had your trollish position down pat, at the very best your desperate attempts to form some kind of a legitimate argument are grasping for straws.
In terms of Ernie’s point, judgements are made as to where to draw a line. Yes, the line was not drawn wide enough for house-to-house; yard-to-yard searches. But security on Franklin street was certainly strong enough that the terrorist couldn’t just walk away…he had to hide in a boat. If the best you can do is say they should have had a wider search area…ok, but that is a fairly weak level of criticism.
There were other people who had a little more sense than me and didn’t try to reason with you, at first.
More Internet expertise from fka-ernie
The authorities sure missed the boat (!) when they forgot to consult noted expert fka-ernie. They should now hire him to train their dogs.
Nothings ever good enough for you, izzit?
Question: Is the glass half-empty, or half-full?
EBIIIs’ answer: da gingah hoo poord it gave me a funny look. Meanwhile, fukkin eastah bunnies’ about to be indicted fah humpin da tanksgibben turkey. Oh look! a groop of fifth graders, ‘scoose me while I go tell ‘em sanna claws died in a horrible accident involving prostitutes and black mahket Ikea gear…
Ernie, as a resident of East Watertown, I would just like to say: “Fuck You.”
You don’t speak for me or any of my neighbors whoI’ve talked to, nor any of them who were outside cheering the responding officers & agents last night along Mt. Auburn St.
Good on them.
these are my simple gripes
1. Man in boat should not have been discovered by civilian. No one will deny that could have bee a real tragedy. Boat was visible from helicopters all day long. The helicopters had heat sensing cameras.
2. F.B.I. had sufficient contact with at least bomber to suspect him and match him to photos. Also watch him immediately after bombing.
It’s pretty much agreed that but for the release of the photos the bombers would not have panicked and killed the MIT police officer when they saw him responding to an unrelated event.
Ryan you seem to confuse good intentions with performance. Why does law enforcement get a pass from you.
Is or was anyone in your family a police officer or something similar? It sounds like it.
And yes for the umpty ninth time the first responders did a great job.
But that’s not been my beef.
Ryan you sound like an Evangelical and I’m question some things about Jesus.
I will burn in hell I guess. But burn proudly I will. (cue America the Beautiful)
re 1:
You have such enormous experience with heat-sensing cameras that you know they make it easy to spot 1 individual out of tens of thousands in an area, or that they make it easy to spot a person when doing broad sweeps of large areas.
Do they offer heat sensing cameras as an option on your car lot these days? Sounds like everyone should have them. Heck, we could get rid of windshields all together and make entirely steel-cased bodies. Ernie — you could make a fortune.
re 2:
We know almost nothing about what went down with the FBI and suspect #1, other than there was something and he was cleared from that something. We know almost nothing of how many of these kinds of cases are brought forward every year, and how much time the FBI is able to give to each of them.
Maybe the FBI did everything possible to see if there was something to the reports that prompted the investigation, and no evidence turned up. Maybe the FBI did everything it *could* given its limited resources, and found nothing. Or maybe they just plain fracked up.
No doubt there are Republicans who will jump to make the administration look bad on this, so you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll know these details in the days ahead, probably with a few whopping Brietbart lies mixed in.
Regardless, let’s find out more information before we condemn the FBI, should they need to be condemned. If mistakes were made, then yeah… we’ll have to get angry. But I’m not going to draw conclusions until then.
Re: my “evangelicalism”
Did you ever think that I didn’t expand on my views like I have now because I thought the way you went about talking about these issues at first didn’t merit a serious discussion? If you mistook my silence on the one or two legitimate things you had to say in an otherwise steaming pile of crap, um… whoops?
Sometimes you bring up great points and are very worthwhile, sometimes it’s clear you’re just trying to troll us and get a rise out of things. It was pretty clear which of the two you were trying to do with those diaries.
Now that you kicked the hornet’s nest and have to suddenly substantiate your claims and sound clear of mind, I’m a lot more willing to thoughtfully engage.
You have such enormous experience with heat-sensing cameras that you know they make it easy to spot 1 individual out of tens of thousands in an area, or that they make it easy to spot a person when doing broad sweeps of large areas.
Ryan please do us all a favor and don’t procreate.
is that a dig at me because I’m gay? Any minorities left that you haven’t offended in the past few days?
I’m going to take the fact that you “gave up” as evidence you can’t address my point, and don’t actually know enough about using heat-sensing cameras from hundreds of feet up in the air to actually know what you’re talking about.
These are questions you could have asked the authorities, EB3, but to assume you know the answer already is going a bridge too far.
and maybe between all the other hundreds of boats and sheds and garages in the area, they missed it. They’re only human.
Or maybe he wasn’t even in the boat as they passed it.
These are all fine questions EB3, but nothing more. Take your righteous indignity elsewhere.
And now I return to my enjoyable weekend of not being involved in this, ahem, discussion.
For those who seem to have “inside” information I guess.
Kind of nauseating to see some folks tossing word salads to make excuses for this guy
The people obsessed with EBIII can usually be written off as humorless schmucks who want every post on BMG to be as tedious and self-righteous as their own.
But this time they are trying to create a post-9/11 atmosphere by suggesting criticism of authorities or dissent from rah-rah patriotism is grounds for expulsion. They are using the power of a unifying moment to try to silence a voice they don’t like. I’m glad the editors are made of sterner stuff than that.
and they smell too
But this time they are trying to create a post-9/11 atmosphere by suggesting criticism of authorities or dissent from rah-rah patriotism is grounds for expulsion.
Not every instance of “criticism of authorities or dissent” is a noble thing: and those which are noble are not helped nor their cause furthered by ignoble muckracking by self-made men who worship their creators….
That’s weird, I’ve never heard “noble” used as a minimal standard for dissent. Well, maybe in feudal times. As usual I don’t understand the rest of your point because your diction is obscure and your syntax convoluted.
that’s what I ant to see more of.
Thanks, You’re not such a bad guy after all.
that’s what I [w]ant to see more of.
Now we see fak-ernie’s vision of what he wants this site to be. Will his wish be fulfilled? Stay tuned.
To be clear, in his comment, fak-ernie was applauding the use of offensive language. He wants to see more of it. He wants people cursing at him and each other. Is that what anyone else wants?
Word salad
If you don’t recognize that “the power of a unifying moment” refers to what Bostonians have felt and articulated all week, then you’re being obtuse. This post and its supporters are clearly invoking that power in calling for the erasure of posts that criticize the police in a tone they don’t like. They would not have the chutzpah to try such a stunt without it.
Criticizing the police (to harass and annoy) but I fail to see how taking news everyone has heard about the FBI or claiming the people of Watertown are really pissed off behind all that applause really captures the “power of a unifying moment.”
But that’s just me.
Criticizing the police goes *against* that feeling. The call to delete EBIII’s posts is what “captures” it.
They are using the “power of a unifying moment” to silence an asshole.
Now what are your views on oral sex and the unifying moment?
… and morosely so.
This post and its supporters are clearly invoking that power in calling for the erasure of posts that criticize the police in a tone they don’t like.
A gross detestation of embedded, and toxic, foliage in the retina is upheld as a sufficient ratiocination, indeed prohibition, against belladona in the eyeballs.
Or, put plainly, you can’t dismiss what “they don’t like” without trying to determine why “they don’t like” it.
I swear and in my discourse I discuss specific ethnic, racial, and gender groups in specific terms and realities of the specific demographic. This is not limited to those groups but also includes geographic, age, employment, education, economic and other real demographics that make America different from every place else.
Or is it because I’ve been known to call someone an idiot or an a-hole an other names that get kindergarteners admonished.
Or is it because I usually point out flaws in candidates and issues supported by most BMGers?
Or is it because during the healing and mourning period beginning on Monday I said nothing but on the first day of relief and safety I pointed out in no uncertain terms my displeasure with authorities for not finding discovering the culprit in the boat?
Or is it because on this first day of communal relief and safety I pointed out the inability of the .B.I. to identify the terrorists because of their past involvement?
Or is it because I’m just an asshole?
If it is because I am an asshole please accept my sincere appreciation for noticing. I do work hard at it you know. I’m glad it shows.
You find this heroic.
where did that come from?
Oh, you’re putting words in my mouth so you can then run off and twist them.
No sweetheart, I’m not heroic and never have claimed to be. I’m just an asshole with an opinion.
Put words in your mouth Ernie?
There is too much bullshit in the way
I swear and in my discourse I discuss specific ethnic, racial, and gender groups in specific terms and realities of the specific demographic.[]
… not because you do all these things in service to a higher truth but (age old struggle) you use the higher truth to justify your use of these things.
Being an public asshole to get your point across is one thing, using a valid point in order to give yourself permission to be a public asshole is quite another. For you, being the asshole is what’s important and for you, that’s the point.
Even an asshole can see, one hopes, why that’s a problem for some of the rest of us.
My assholeness is what first drew me to BMG.
Bob, David, and especially charlie will tell ya that.
I suggest you google my interview with the Boston Phoenix a few years back.
Ahh, yes, I am a big shot in the asshole world.
Anyway, for an ernieologist like you petr this is good read.
There you will learn why I chose this site to offer my rectum droppings as opposed to one dedicated to a Texas high school football team.
Ahh yes, fame. The only thing that matters. And I owe it all to being an asshole.
are hot chicks. Now you tell me they are scmucks?
That’s a real kick in pants
Don’t worry, those beautiful women are just pretending to ignore you because they are undercover cops who don’t want to blow their cover.
You know my ego can’t handle the alternative.
at least I thought we are
What about the children!
really whos, you creeped me out with that question. What the hell you doing brining kids in here?
We’ll lose out license you know? So get em out of here!
I’m told its a family show
They’ll tell you anything you want to hear at the box office just as long as you buy the tickets.
I remember once this old time thought he was gonna see something involving a donkey, an umbrella, and Monrovian dwarf. They guy had a jar of vaseline and everything.
I felt so bad when I had to tell him we had no such act. The look of disappointment on his face sticks with me today
…and in the adult world the term for that is sexual harassment. If you said those things in person you would open yourself up to a slap in the face, possibly a lawsuit, and if done where you work, getting fired. It is inappropriate in any context, the presence or absence of children notwithstanding.
To us, this means commentary typical of thoughtful discussion between acquaintances who may hold differing views on important issues, but who debate those issues in a respectful manner. Insults, personal attacks, rudeness, and blanket unsupported statements reduce the level of discourse, interfere with our basic objective, and are not permitted.
Who does he know? I thought I was the only one around here who got special treatment.
I want to re-negotiate my contract. I don’t need this you know. I made this studio what it is. Don’t you dare think you will push me aside for some young flavor of the week.
Never forget this, I am Ernie Boch, III and no one gets in my way.
Now if Mr. Demille has a problem with that he can find me in my trailer.
It’s so easy to criticize when your a$$ isn’t in the game. It’s easy to point fingers when you’re watching this whole thing unfold from lockdown or some other comfy location, and you don’t know sh** about what’s really going on. If mistakes (key word is “if’) were made on the ground while trying to capture this psychopath, at least they were honest mistakes. I say leave the posts up as a monument to foolishness. EB3’s certainly entitled to his opinion, but we can also look on with amusement, as he writes his latest “apologia pro vita sua” for the latest ethically and morally flexible politician or appointee.
you seem like an intelligent person. Can you propose any circumstances that would defend the decision by authorities to stop the Watertown search effort without first determine if back yard boats covered with plastic about a half mile from the seen and visible by helicopters equipped with heat sensing cameras?
If your your answer is the boat was checked previously and it was clean I suggest the those that checked it were negligent or if he was not there when checked how did travel to that spot without alerting attention?
I’m not sure I’d want a blanket scan of a community in a way that can detect what is covered. Sounds like the kind of thing you would need a warrant for, not that a lot of people wouldn’t waive that requirement if asked in this particular case.
Is that your final answer Christopher?
You’re gonna stand by that are you?
Good luck with that.
You know what Christopher, I’m gonna recommend your comment simply for its creativity. Good job there.
It died a couple of days ago, yet fak-ernie continues to beat it. He’s working very hard to sour the celebration that most of us feel at the ending of a nightmare. He doesn’t seem to know or care that his continued emissions are as welcome as a fart in an elevator. I wish he’d give it a rest, take a vacation, let us all feel good about the limited amount of good things that came out of the whole situation. There’s more than enough to feel bad about. We don’t need his hyper Monday-morning quarterback routine.
didn’t call deval during the transportation bill debate.
But never criticize police.
Sco believes the bigger the disaster the less re are allowed to comment on negligence by police that cold have caused more deaths.
The cops were high-end exterminators called to flush out a rat and they never checked the basement.
The horse may be dead. But we are lucky the boat owner is alive.
No thanks to the cops sco.
blind faith in law enforcement is one element of fascism.
Which really is what many BMGers are. My way or highway.
you had time to disapprove of my comment yet no time to articulate an answer? Help me here John, will you?
Back up your request.
You can articulate your thoughts John, right?
Go ahead, give it a shot.
You’d be surprised what you can do when you think.
I am partly to blame for posting on both posts last night and letting him egg me on, I say keep them up so the editors know that their favorite “color commentator” is just as vile and ignorant as the typical Howie Carr caller. If that’s the company they choose to keep so be it, we should just boycott his posts and stop commenting on them.
…for the world to see Ernie in true form.
really boys, you don’t have to even open them, never mind get on line to argue with him or her. He’s entitled to his opinion after all.
Even if we don’t personally read his posts we are concerned about how BMG looks with the nonsense that he posts.
It means I’ve contributed 39 bucks to support BMG for a year. Of course Earnie hasn’t either.
I’ve always thought I should join. In a way of course that would not document my identity. After reading your excellent response to christopher I said to myself that I would put it on the front burner. Mail them two twentys wrapped in paper with a note written from magazine and newspaper cut outs.
BUT THEN David went ahead and said this…
So Judy I told him to go eff himself.
And there ain’t no way I’m given him forty bucks.
I don’t relish reading eb3, but, in this case, it seems to me there are some quite legitimate questions we can pull out of his, er, contributions.
Certainly, I’m relieved and grateful this whole thing has been resolved (assuming there are no accomplices out on the loose). It’s also a given that this kind of police activity is thankfully rare and not something at which we expect our local police force to overwhelmingly excellent at. And yes, we owe a great deal of gratitude to the police and the FBI.
At the minimum, though, there seem to be some lessons to be learned here — and policing units striving toward excellence are probably already examining these questions and more expertly than we can here. Questions are: (1) How was it possible that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was able to escape the police as his brother was dying? It looks as if some kind of tactical error occurred. No?
(2) Why was Dzhokhar discovered outside the perimeter of the searched area? Was the search area set too narrowly? Was the wrong kind of search undertaken?
One might want to think carefully about these questions especially because the Tsarnaevs were not particularly well-trained at this kind of operation. There’s even a fair bit of evidence that, with Tamerlan’s boxing career going nowhere and him being a stay-at-home Dad and with Dzhokhar evidently failing out of college, this was more individual than ideological. Should we face more talented adversaries, the results could be much worse.
…as I said in one of Ernie’s post–sure they are legitimate questions and Somervilletom has equally legitimate points going in another direction. But certainly Ernie’s tone and rhetoric completely distort the weight on these mistakes. Yes, lots of review and adjustments to the procedures is needed. Yes, we are lucky that no one got hurt or killed because we did not find him sooner. But we didn’t. And thankfully the victim of the carjacking was not killed, or the MBTA policeman, or more cops weren’t hurt of killed in the car chase / shot out or the death toll from the bombings were not worse. Thankfully none of that happened. What happened is terrible enough.
In the big picture, Ernie’s point is small. Like him.
search probably send food back in restaurants demanding your money’s worth.
Yet you think the results from the all the actions taken by law enforcement after Monday were adequate when considering the amount of money society has spent preparing and executing for occasions such as this.
Do you really think the the authorities are willingly going to tell us how the fucked up?
Really pogo, this isn’t the goddam League of Woman Voters or the Toastmasters you ….
oh wait, I’ll be polite…you person who I disagree with, you
From Atul Gawande at the New Yorker:
He describes scenes at Boston hospitals where nurses and doctors, extraordinarily well trained for such emergencies, quickly self-organized, and, for example at his hospital, prepared 8 rooms for the right kind surgery in advance of patients showing up. Every such room was used. And throughout Boston, no single hospital was overtaxed. The medical response was technically impressive in addition to being heroic.
largely for the reasons stated by kbusch. I don’t especially care for EB3’s two posts, either in terms of timing or content. But it does seem fair to ask how a 19-year-old, untrained (as far as anyone knows), bleeding, seriously injured stoner was able to elude 9,000 cops putting on the biggest show of force Boston has ever seen for as long as he did by climbing into a boat in someone’s yard in the very area they were searching. It is a minor miracle that the guy who found him wasn’t killed or seriously hurt, and that guy shouldn’t have been put in that position.
To be clear: everyone (except maybe EB3) is relieved and grateful to law enforcement that the operation concluded successfully, and certainly the identifications of the two suspects happened with impressive speed. Still, we shouldn’t be afraid to ask how things could have gone even better than they did.
No, really, go fuck yourself!!!!
the rules are different for you?
that’s ok I guess but never call someone an idiot.That hurts their feelings.
I have my own code i guess. One I cam live with.
to law enforcement. That’s why I worded my comment that way. Perhaps I have misinterpreted your position – if so, please do clarify.
I’m grateful he’s captured.
N But real quick here, i don’t have time.
Pats just won 71 − 70. How good do you feel about the defense for next week’s game.
Read Matt Connolly the past two days, including comments.
Thank you law enfoprcemnt for catchin g them,
How much oral sex do you recommend performing on the law enforcement types before pointing out the abundance of evidence that show the culprit was caught in spite of the lousy work by the cops and we are lucky others weren’t killed.
Also evidence exists that the feds knew of these guys for a few years, had files on them, interviewed at least one of them before, yet never could identify them from photos or have them watched post marathon like I assume others were. Why was the MIT cop killed again David?
Who cares I guess. Is that what you are saying David?
Before I point all this out I should thank them for what again David? For showing up? For running good press conferences?
For what David?
Don’t confuse these dudes with the men and women assigned to the Marathon who jumped into action when the bombs went off.
Ids that the problem David? If so I am sorry. I thought I mentioned my gratitude to them before I went off on their bosses.
Should I praise them more david? What is the appropriate amount of praise required before pointing out that the incompetence of law enforcement could have resulted in more deaths?
Sorry David, I’m not hopping on the self-indulgent train of wrapping the American Flag around me and daring people to say a bad word about Boston.
Whatever happened to questioning authority? Is this the new liberalism? Has a hint of fascism wouldn’t you say David?
… is not liberal and is no less corrupt than a situation in which an authority is in need of questioning to begin with.
I think the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally and we are lucky more people were not killed yesterday.
Is that a fair assessment of our disagreement?
Of all the possible outcomes, and I mean every last permutation of every last decision made, there is not a single outcome that would provide a difference to you such that you would not use it to spew your bile: in short, and in total, there’s absolutely nothing done that would have affected the outcome in any way: the specific case of you bitching grossly, and with real venom, about something, real or manufactured, would have occured nonetheless; you could have started writing any one of your recent screeds on Thursday morning and published them yesterday and today with edits only for basic facts.
There is not a single outcome that would prevent you from uttering the sentence “the police and F.B,.I fucked up royally.” Not one.
that’s all petr.
Here are some outcomes I’d prefer:
A strong and effective national policy about gun and ammunition tracking prevented the suspects from amassing the many weapons they would have otherwise used in their escapades.
A skilled and competent team of federal intelligence experts coordinated closely with their Russian counterparts and apprehended an amateur would-be terrorist, along with his younger brother, as the pair collected bomb-making materials in their Cambridge apartment.
An elite group of two dozen highly trained professionals located and apprehended the wounded and bleeding suspect sometime after the chaos of Thursday night/Friday morning. The rest of the city went about its business as usual.
The hundreds of millions of dollars being squandered on utterly useless “security” (such as very expensive screens that flashed “no smoking” onto platforms that were empty anyway because the whole system was shut down) and lost commerce and wages were instead used to build the Green Line extension, replace wornout coaches and locomotives, and invest in a 21st century transit system. I suspect that the entire region spent at least as much as the difference between the competing tax plans on Friday’s ultimately ineffective show of massive and overwhelming force.
We are spending ENORMOUS sums on kikuki theater like we saw on full display Friday, while receiving NO measurable return. Would we have been more secure if twice as many responders and vehicles were present? No. How about half as many? I think that what we saw in this episode is that our elaborate and very expensive “security” apparatus is pure garbage — at best incompetent and ineffective at preventing terror attacks, and at worst a cynical ruse for the imposition of a dangerously powerful and equally corrupt authoritarian government.
You wrote:
I won’t try to speak for eb3. I will say that outcomes along the lines of what I offer above are possible and, in my opinion, preferable to what we saw.
I think we’re buying elephant powder and indulgences about “security” when we have a long list of clear, present, measurable, and immediate needs.
about ‘security theater’ but every case deserves to be looked at individually to see if there should be exceptions, and I believe this is one of them.
Shutting down the area was key in being able to stop him from going further.
If the MBTA was open, if cabs were available, if people could come and go from Watertown and the area, he may have got away.
Was shutting down all of Boston extreme? Sure, but when a criminal and terrorist is lobbing hand-made grenades at cops and placing pressure cookers where they could do the most damage on Monday, extreme measures were called for.
We should assume he had access to the news and twitter and knew exactly what areas were shut down, which means he knew he had no hope. If only Watertown was effected, given how well he demonstrated he could slip away, he may have gotten out and have been able to get on the subway and get away for additional days or weeks before we caught him, and further people could have died.
… are ignoring whatever real and valuable questions need to be asked.
EBIII, and you, can’t have it both ways: ask the questions straight up and wait for, and accept, the answers without criticism or criticize based upon your a priori knowledge, if you have any. But can’t put complaints ahead of the questions because you think you already know the answers…
Personally, I also think EBIII is losing what’s left his sanity. No, that’s not a dig or an insult. I think it true. There’s a reason they call it post traumatic: the problems manifest much after the trauma is experienced.
can’t have it both ways? This blog is based on people asking questions, criticizing, and hopefully getting answers.
Are you saying I need to be high brow on the capture?
I truly do not follow.
BTW as to m sanity, how do you know how much is in my bank account? For al you know I could be eccentric rather than insane.
.. you have turned that completely on its ear: you presume answers, criticize and, only then, put up questions apparently in the hopes of legitimizing your, clearly a priori, disdain. Others have ‘backed’ you up because they think there might be legit questions, and so there might, but you’re not asking them.
You don’t like the process that led us to the outcome, and you hide behind others whom you say are in similar dudgeon, in order to presume, without proof or intellectual underpinnings, that a better process could have been, and therefore should have been, inveighed. Further, as others have pointed out, if a different process had gone wrong, you’d be in similar grandstanding mode. I think there is plenty of proof in you prior posts to support this view. Therefore it’s possible to conclude that you simply want to complain, loudly and vehemently. It might be, as I said, how you deal with what is the first day of the post trauma period. I have no wish to reward you for that and suggest that you find a better method to deal with the trauma.
Now, that was funny. Made me laugh out loud.
Didn’t I do pretty much exactly what you suggest – ask the question and then wait for the answer? I said:
What’s inaccurate in that question? Am I assuming facts not in evidence? I don’t think so, other than the bit about training, and I think that’s a pretty safe assumption. And there very may well be a terrific answer. I’d like to know what it is, and I think everyone else in the city would too. I’m certainly not the only person wondering – numerous posts during the day of the “lockdown” on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere were asking exactly the same thing: how can it be taking so long to find this guy?
.. by holding EBIII up as, somehow, legitimately asking questions you think are important you slight the questions and appear to want it both ways: answers to the questions and the right to kvetch regardless of the answers.
I still think you should take down EBIIIs recent posts, and perhaps, if you feel there are legit quesitons, open an entirely separate thread addressing those questions without EBIIIs particularly histrionic brand of sturm und drang
EB3 is the Rob Eno of BMG.
Blue Mass Group would be boring if everyone posting here had the same perspective and wrote with the same style. Yes, sometimes his jokes are hackneyed, and he can be abrasively un-PC, but overall Eb3’s posts are insightful, particularly the “inside baseball” ones. (My pet theory is that EB3 is a Court Officer at the State House.)
If you don’t like what EB3 writes, then don’t read it. But stifling divergent (or deviant!) opinions would make for boring blog.
violation of the cardinal law of the internet, Godwin’s, in some of the comments of those diaries — inferring that those who disagreed with EB3 would have been the ones to ‘hop on’ the holocaust trains.
Those were deleted, thankfully, but it should be noted that eb3 said them.
And all the times that EB3 has called other BMGers “homo” and “fag”.
the misogyny
hate chicks.
I think I compared some of the seemingly blind lovers of all things law enforcement to Nazi pacifiers. Including those whose blindness lead to the execution.
Question Authority People!
My God where did the 60s go? We’re suppose top be counting on the BMGers of the world to carry the torch now.
Well that sucks.
I haven’t seen any BMGers with balls.
If you are afraid to criticize law enforcement that you have no right calling yourself a political activist?
Bunch of wusses
Look back through Ryan’s history here. He has been very willing to take on a fight the power attitude, sometimes to a greater extent than I’m comfortable with and have said so, when he feels it is appropriate.
WE go way back. How dare you interfere with this special and beautiful relationship.
Ryan, I love ya man.
but since you insisted on a pair of orbed objects, here you go…
An Online Wellness Check for Ernie. — Why Ernie’s So Wrong! — Plus, Some Good Responses.
Anyone notice a somewhat recent pattern of increasingly unhinged posts from our resident shock-jock, Ernie?
Whether it’s her strange and constant obsession with Whitey Bulger’s trial and press coverage, portraying this murderer as some random dude who’s unfairly being put down by the man or something, or her posts decrying the Globe for having the temerity to suggest Boston cabbies should stop being robbed blind by their bosses, there’s a lot of, um, material to look it.
I generally cast aside most of these kinds of posts from Ernie. After all, what’s a wannabe Boston Boxcar sleuth to do when their man is caught than find some other way to obsess over it? And the rest of the lousy posts clearly fall under EB3’s little inner troll problem.
The best is when she mixes the two traits, like railing against a particular DA as often as Paul wrote love songs, before anyone even cared, then when everyone gets on board and Ernie could have used her cred to lead the efforts, jumping ship and being that DA’s biggest BMG defender. Classic internet obsessive/troll behavior. It belongs somewhere here.
That’s what I even thought when Ernie decided to be pretty much the only person in Greater Boston (and perhaps the world) to suggest the Boston cops over the past few days were eating donuts instead of getting shot at and saving lives. Nearly everyone thought the cops did great, so it was time for Ernie to bust out some inane posts grasping for straws, armchair quarterbacking that the absolutely massive door-to-door search didn’t go a few doors to the left, instead.
After all, that gets way more attention than another post amongst the millions to thank the cops.
Yet, Ernie had to step in it even more, and this time it was so far out there and so strange for someone as internet savvy as Ernie that it’s different. You see, anyone who thinks that Ernie’s wrong is like the people “who hopped on the Nazi trains because the men in uniforms told them to.”
Now, you’d think when Ernie suggested I would have been the first to sign up, I’d have been mad.
I’m not. I’m concerned.
It was the point at which I realized Ernie may not just be trolling anymore. It’s starting to sound like a cry for help.
Ernie — while I can’t physically knock on your door, I’m here digitally and have some questions. No, not the questions I should be asking if I were your therapist, because you can answer those questions here. They’re personal, after all.
I just want to know if you’re generally alright. Has Ernie Boch Jr. narrowed the perimeter to within 20 blocks of your house?
Something must be going on. I mean breaking the Cardinal Rule of the Internet and bringing up Nazis is bad enough, but doing so in such a way as to suggest I’d have been the first to sign myself up for a trip to the Nazi gas chamber? That’s just insanity.
So, assuming this isn’t a physical or mental problem, or even a personal one, and your recent calls for attention aren’t really a cry for help, I think you may want to at least check in with the good Dr. Fiona.
Really, Ernie, an MIT cop dies and a transit officer was in critical condition, and you don’t think the cops were doing everything they could do to get the guys?
Let’s try to think of how the cops under assault must have felt as hand-grenades were being lobbed from stolen cars at them and assault weapons were being fired in their direction, knowing that the terrorists already killed one of their own? You don’t think they were doing everything they could?
You know, if cops have any reputation, they have a reputation of going to any ends to get the man who took one of their own. You’re a self-proclaimed expert of everything, you should know that.
Pogo had your trollish position down pat, at the very best your desperate attempts to form some kind of a legitimate argument are grasping for straws.
There were other people who had a little more sense than me and didn’t try to reason with you, at first.
Like Kirth
And Petr
And especially Sco
Good on them.
these are my simple gripes
1. Man in boat should not have been discovered by civilian. No one will deny that could have bee a real tragedy. Boat was visible from helicopters all day long. The helicopters had heat sensing cameras.
2. F.B.I. had sufficient contact with at least bomber to suspect him and match him to photos. Also watch him immediately after bombing.
It’s pretty much agreed that but for the release of the photos the bombers would not have panicked and killed the MIT police officer when they saw him responding to an unrelated event.
Ryan you seem to confuse good intentions with performance. Why does law enforcement get a pass from you.
Is or was anyone in your family a police officer or something similar? It sounds like it.
And yes for the umpty ninth time the first responders did a great job.
But that’s not been my beef.
Ryan you sound like an Evangelical and I’m question some things about Jesus.
I will burn in hell I guess. But burn proudly I will. (cue America the Beautiful)
re 1:
You have such enormous experience with heat-sensing cameras that you know they make it easy to spot 1 individual out of tens of thousands in an area, or that they make it easy to spot a person when doing broad sweeps of large areas.
Do they offer heat sensing cameras as an option on your car lot these days? Sounds like everyone should have them. Heck, we could get rid of windshields all together and make entirely steel-cased bodies. Ernie — you could make a fortune.
re 2:
We know almost nothing about what went down with the FBI and suspect #1, other than there was something and he was cleared from that something. We know almost nothing of how many of these kinds of cases are brought forward every year, and how much time the FBI is able to give to each of them.
Maybe the FBI did everything possible to see if there was something to the reports that prompted the investigation, and no evidence turned up. Maybe the FBI did everything it *could* given its limited resources, and found nothing. Or maybe they just plain fracked up.
No doubt there are Republicans who will jump to make the administration look bad on this, so you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll know these details in the days ahead, probably with a few whopping Brietbart lies mixed in.
Regardless, let’s find out more information before we condemn the FBI, should they need to be condemned. If mistakes were made, then yeah… we’ll have to get angry. But I’m not going to draw conclusions until then.
Re: my “evangelicalism”
Did you ever think that I didn’t expand on my views like I have now because I thought the way you went about talking about these issues at first didn’t merit a serious discussion? If you mistook my silence on the one or two legitimate things you had to say in an otherwise steaming pile of crap, um… whoops?
Sometimes you bring up great points and are very worthwhile, sometimes it’s clear you’re just trying to troll us and get a rise out of things. It was pretty clear which of the two you were trying to do with those diaries.
Now that you kicked the hornet’s nest and have to suddenly substantiate your claims and sound clear of mind, I’m a lot more willing to thoughtfully engage.
Ryan please do us all a favor and don’t procreate.
is that a dig at me because I’m gay? Any minorities left that you haven’t offended in the past few days?
I’m going to take the fact that you “gave up” as evidence you can’t address my point, and don’t actually know enough about using heat-sensing cameras from hundreds of feet up in the air to actually know what you’re talking about.
These are questions you could have asked the authorities, EB3, but to assume you know the answer already is going a bridge too far.
and maybe between all the other hundreds of boats and sheds and garages in the area, they missed it. They’re only human.
Or maybe he wasn’t even in the boat as they passed it.
These are all fine questions EB3, but nothing more. Take your righteous indignity elsewhere.
is “kissy face.”
How quickly they forget.
And now I return to my enjoyable weekend of not being involved in this, ahem, discussion.
For those who seem to have “inside” information I guess.
Kind of nauseating to see some folks tossing word salads to make excuses for this guy
The people obsessed with EBIII can usually be written off as humorless schmucks who want every post on BMG to be as tedious and self-righteous as their own.
But this time they are trying to create a post-9/11 atmosphere by suggesting criticism of authorities or dissent from rah-rah patriotism is grounds for expulsion. They are using the power of a unifying moment to try to silence a voice they don’t like. I’m glad the editors are made of sterner stuff than that.
and they smell too
Not every instance of “criticism of authorities or dissent” is a noble thing: and those which are noble are not helped nor their cause furthered by ignoble muckracking by self-made men who worship their creators….
That’s weird, I’ve never heard “noble” used as a minimal standard for dissent. Well, maybe in feudal times. As usual I don’t understand the rest of your point because your diction is obscure and your syntax convoluted.
that’s what I ant to see more of.
Thanks, You’re not such a bad guy after all.
Now we see fak-ernie’s vision of what he wants this site to be. Will his wish be fulfilled? Stay tuned.
To be clear, in his comment, fak-ernie was applauding the use of offensive language. He wants to see more of it. He wants people cursing at him and each other. Is that what anyone else wants?
Word salad
If you don’t recognize that “the power of a unifying moment” refers to what Bostonians have felt and articulated all week, then you’re being obtuse. This post and its supporters are clearly invoking that power in calling for the erasure of posts that criticize the police in a tone they don’t like. They would not have the chutzpah to try such a stunt without it.
Criticizing the police (to harass and annoy) but I fail to see how taking news everyone has heard about the FBI or claiming the people of Watertown are really pissed off behind all that applause really captures the “power of a unifying moment.”
But that’s just me.
Criticizing the police goes *against* that feeling. The call to delete EBIII’s posts is what “captures” it.
They are using the “power of a unifying moment” to silence an asshole.
Now what are your views on oral sex and the unifying moment?
… and morosely so.
A gross detestation of embedded, and toxic, foliage in the retina is upheld as a sufficient ratiocination, indeed prohibition, against belladona in the eyeballs.
Or, put plainly, you can’t dismiss what “they don’t like” without trying to determine why “they don’t like” it.
I swear and in my discourse I discuss specific ethnic, racial, and gender groups in specific terms and realities of the specific demographic. This is not limited to those groups but also includes geographic, age, employment, education, economic and other real demographics that make America different from every place else.
Or is it because I’ve been known to call someone an idiot or an a-hole an other names that get kindergarteners admonished.
Or is it because I usually point out flaws in candidates and issues supported by most BMGers?
Or is it because during the healing and mourning period beginning on Monday I said nothing but on the first day of relief and safety I pointed out in no uncertain terms my displeasure with authorities for not finding discovering the culprit in the boat?
Or is it because on this first day of communal relief and safety I pointed out the inability of the .B.I. to identify the terrorists because of their past involvement?
Or is it because I’m just an asshole?
If it is because I am an asshole please accept my sincere appreciation for noticing. I do work hard at it you know. I’m glad it shows.
You find this heroic.
where did that come from?
Oh, you’re putting words in my mouth so you can then run off and twist them.
No sweetheart, I’m not heroic and never have claimed to be. I’m just an asshole with an opinion.
Put words in your mouth Ernie?
There is too much bullshit in the way
… not because you do all these things in service to a higher truth but (age old struggle) you use the higher truth to justify your use of these things.
Being an public asshole to get your point across is one thing, using a valid point in order to give yourself permission to be a public asshole is quite another. For you, being the asshole is what’s important and for you, that’s the point.
Even an asshole can see, one hopes, why that’s a problem for some of the rest of us.
My assholeness is what first drew me to BMG.
Bob, David, and especially charlie will tell ya that.
I suggest you google my interview with the Boston Phoenix a few years back.
Ahh, yes, I am a big shot in the asshole world.
Anyway, for an ernieologist like you petr this is good read.
There you will learn why I chose this site to offer my rectum droppings as opposed to one dedicated to a Texas high school football team.
Ahh yes, fame. The only thing that matters. And I owe it all to being an asshole.
are hot chicks. Now you tell me they are scmucks?
That’s a real kick in pants
Don’t worry, those beautiful women are just pretending to ignore you because they are undercover cops who don’t want to blow their cover.
You know my ego can’t handle the alternative.
at least I thought we are
What about the children!
really whos, you creeped me out with that question. What the hell you doing brining kids in here?
We’ll lose out license you know? So get em out of here!
I’m told its a family show
They’ll tell you anything you want to hear at the box office just as long as you buy the tickets.
I remember once this old time thought he was gonna see something involving a donkey, an umbrella, and Monrovian dwarf. They guy had a jar of vaseline and everything.
I felt so bad when I had to tell him we had no such act. The look of disappointment on his face sticks with me today
…and in the adult world the term for that is sexual harassment. If you said those things in person you would open yourself up to a slap in the face, possibly a lawsuit, and if done where you work, getting fired. It is inappropriate in any context, the presence or absence of children notwithstanding.
Who does he know? I thought I was the only one around here who got special treatment.
I want to re-negotiate my contract. I don’t need this you know. I made this studio what it is. Don’t you dare think you will push me aside for some young flavor of the week.
Never forget this, I am Ernie Boch, III and no one gets in my way.
Now if Mr. Demille has a problem with that he can find me in my trailer.
It’s so easy to criticize when your a$$ isn’t in the game. It’s easy to point fingers when you’re watching this whole thing unfold from lockdown or some other comfy location, and you don’t know sh** about what’s really going on. If mistakes (key word is “if’) were made on the ground while trying to capture this psychopath, at least they were honest mistakes. I say leave the posts up as a monument to foolishness. EB3’s certainly entitled to his opinion, but we can also look on with amusement, as he writes his latest “apologia pro vita sua” for the latest ethically and morally flexible politician or appointee.
you seem like an intelligent person. Can you propose any circumstances that would defend the decision by authorities to stop the Watertown search effort without first determine if back yard boats covered with plastic about a half mile from the seen and visible by helicopters equipped with heat sensing cameras?
If your your answer is the boat was checked previously and it was clean I suggest the those that checked it were negligent or if he was not there when checked how did travel to that spot without alerting attention?
I’m not sure I’d want a blanket scan of a community in a way that can detect what is covered. Sounds like the kind of thing you would need a warrant for, not that a lot of people wouldn’t waive that requirement if asked in this particular case.
Is that your final answer Christopher?
You’re gonna stand by that are you?
Good luck with that.
You know what Christopher, I’m gonna recommend your comment simply for its creativity. Good job there.
It died a couple of days ago, yet fak-ernie continues to beat it. He’s working very hard to sour the celebration that most of us feel at the ending of a nightmare. He doesn’t seem to know or care that his continued emissions are as welcome as a fart in an elevator. I wish he’d give it a rest, take a vacation, let us all feel good about the limited amount of good things that came out of the whole situation. There’s more than enough to feel bad about. We don’t need his hyper Monday-morning quarterback routine.
didn’t call deval during the transportation bill debate.
But never criticize police.
Sco believes the bigger the disaster the less re are allowed to comment on negligence by police that cold have caused more deaths.
The cops were high-end exterminators called to flush out a rat and they never checked the basement.
The horse may be dead. But we are lucky the boat owner is alive.
No thanks to the cops sco.
blind faith in law enforcement is one element of fascism.
Which really is what many BMGers are. My way or highway.