For those not aware, there were two explosions about thirty-five minutes ago at Boylston & Exeter. Not sure if it’s terrorism or something else entirely, in which case the timing is just awful. Apparently some runners in the marathon knocked to the ground but it was mostly spectators injured, some quite seriously. Lens Crafters store allegedly blown out from electrical explosion.
Green Line closed from Park to Kenmore.
Please share widely!
DKos says police are reporting three dead and many injured, including limbs blown off. Some friends of mine were planning to attend, and I can’t reach them on their cell phones.
They didn’t go this year – one of them had the TV on, she said the spot where it happened was where they usually stand. The other didn’t even know it had happened – she has a 617 area code, and I was unable to get through. Let me tell you, what a relief it was to hear her voice!
Very happy your friends are safe, and so sorry for those who were there.