In its “Pro-family guide to next Tuesday’s US Senate primary election in Massachusetts“, MassResistance, a radical-right, anti-choice, anti-gay organization led by Brian Camenker, finds all five candidates for U.S. Senate so lacking that it advises the following:
There are a lot of people who believe in voting for the lesser of two (or three) evils. We think that reasoning is flawed and just leads to an overall shift to the left. On Tuesday, we intend to go into the voting booth and hand in a blank ballot. We suggest you consider doing the same. It sends a good message.
Here is a summary of MassResistance’s reasons why they advise conservative voters to cast blank ballots:
Michael Sullivan betrayed his base (“a coalition of pro-family conservatives, Tea Party people, and other anti-GOP-establishment renegades”) by first accepting their help in collecting nomination signatures, then “unceremoniously chas[ing]” them out of the campaign and hiring a “campaign manager from RINO homosexual activist Richard Tisei’s Congressional campaign, and Beth Myers, a pro-gay marriage GOP establishment operative, to run his campaign”. Since then, “on the campaign trail, Sullivan has avoided making any appearances at Tea Party events, Second Amendment rallies, or similar venues.”
MassResistance also notes that Sullivan backs the repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, and wouldn’t oppose the confirmation of a pro-choice judge to the US Supreme Court if they were otherwise qualified.
Daniel Winslow “is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, and was the lone Republican supporter of the Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes bill. On the day of the DOMA hearing in the US Supreme Court, Winslow spoke at a homosexual rally at Boston City Hall, giving a fiery speech condemning DOMA and comparing “gay rights” to Lincoln freeing the slaves!”
Gabriel Gomez “is another pro-gay marriage RINO” who “earlier this year, told Gov. Deval Patrick that he supported Obama in 2008 and that he supports Obama’s positions on immigration and gun control. …Gomez is telling the media he’s a “A New Kind of Republican.” In other words, a Democrat.”
Edward Markey “is as far-left on every issue as one could imagine, and is a passionate supporter of the homosexual movement.”
Stephen Lynch used to be “a pro-family conservative, and we worked with him from time to time. But since going to Congress he has gone way over to the dark side and supports the homosexual agenda and similar left-wing staples. He still claims to be “personally” pro-life but vows to protect Roe v Wade and says he would block any Supreme Court nominees who would overturn that.”
Read the whole thing here — it’s a hoot.
First time I’ve heard of a “Get Out The Blanks” campaign. But it seems fitting here.
Is if they blank the ballots how will they be counted? It seems like they are just taking time out of their day to waste, but then again I’m sure being a theocon in Massachusetts is a waste of time on a daily basis.
Also I gotta give Winslow immense credit for backing the Transgender Human Rights bill, something national Democrats in Congress won’t touch. Honestly, if it wasn’t for McConnell and his anti-labor positions, against Lynch he might have my vote.
Blanks are just counted as “Blanks”. The person who showed up at the polls and takes a ballot is listed in the record as having done such, but they cast no vote. If Smith gets 10 votes while Jones gets 9 and there are 20 more ballots, all blank, Smith wins, 10-9. There would probably be a recount. 🙂
Do they not realize that Sullivan has to do these things, and avoid those events, to have any chance in a general election? He can’t be the Tea Party, Second Amendment guy and win. You’d think Markey would be the least palatable candidate for these folks, right? Sullivan would be playing right into Markey’s hands by doing the things these people want him to do.
Having fun with this because things are so dismal nationally. Seems like “out there” plenty of Democrats are terrified not to vote lockstep with the NRA, etc.
My concern here, though, is that if enough people vote blank ballots Sullivan won’t win the primary. I think, even as he’s presented himself, he’s conservative enough to be unelectable and I’d prefer to see him as the opponent.
They are part of the ‘if only Romney or McCain were more conservative” crowd. It’s pretty hard to argue with that crowd using data. Data does show that Democrats can and should be more liberal on a host of issues.
I am certain the Sullivan campaign is counting on the Soc Con vote. For many of my friends who are socially conservative are supporting Sullivan for that reason alone.
I also think it’s a mistake for Sullivan not to go to any Tea Party meetings. The Democratic Party will (they actually have already) tie him to the Tea Party anyway.
says they’re going to have pro-Sullivan/anti-Gomez ads up on tv this weekend, so he’ll get linked to the Tea Party whether he wants to or not.
Might help him in primary and hurt him in the general.
I don’t think I would bother going to the polls just to blank. are there any special elections other than electing the person who will eventually lose to Markey in June this Tuesday on the Rethuglican side? I don’t really care, I am just curious.
I don’t know if there are Republicans in that race. They should know that blanking sends no message except that they won’t vote and thus need less attention.
who I have never heard of… a “Joseph Ureneck”.
but I like the idea of handing in a blank ballot. I don’t mean in just this instance (I’m quite happy with one of the candidates) but in any election. Not showing up at all sends the message that people are too apathetic to bother, however handing in a blank ballot says that you care enough about or government to show up, but don’t like your choices. Let’s be honest, if only 1 in 10 registered voters show up for an election then we’ve said we don’t want representation… but if 8 in 10 hand in blank ballots – that might garner some attention.
leader Brian Camenwanker. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the organization as being in Waltham. About me and others on BMG, he has said,
“argued that educators who support the new policy on gender identity in schools are much like “Nazi concentration camp guards” who “are doing this horrible evil and they are just taking orders or something, they believe in it.”
Any possibility that he is our Dan from Waltham? Putz!
See DFW’s comments on Ed Koch.
Does anyone care outside the handful or two of bigots who are members of that hate group?
Talking about them just gives them unwarranted attention.
out of other things to hate?
so my guess is that they have some ability to depress the conservative Republican ranks.
and, therefore, are interested in the spectrum of Mass political goings on.