**Massachusetts legislators will be debating and voting on an inadequate transportation finance bill TODAY, I encourage you to speak out and let your legislators know that we must do better. Join me and sign my petition for real investment in 21st century transportation and education.**
Today, Massachusetts has a historic opportunity to make visionary investments in our schools, roads, and public transportation systems. By standing up for innovative changes in education and transportation, we can create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, and put the Commonwealth at the forefront of the nation’s 21st century economy.
House and Senate leaders have put forward a proposal that is inadequate to address these problems. We can’t continue to kick the can down the road, putting only partial fixes on falling concrete, crumbling roads and bridges, and aging schools and trains.
These are the same kind of poor choices we have seen in Washington. Kicking the can down the road got us the Sequestration Crisis and the Fiscal Cliff. Lack of political courage has meant bailouts for Wall Street and nothing for the people of Massachusetts.
We must demand a comprehensive, progressive solution to these problems that meets the needs of middle-class families, that brings growth to our local economy, and that invests in opportunities for another generation. That is why I am calling on leaders in the House and Senate to go back to the table and work with Governor Patrick on meaningful, long-term solutions for transportation and education.
Together, let’s demand bold action in Massachusetts.
I just posted about this on Daily Kos, linking to Carl’s petition:
MA Governor proposed a bold revenue & investment plan; today the legislature responds with a cop-out.
Click over and recommend! So we can get it in front of more people who are likely to sign Carl’s petition.