I know you all get alerts from various advocacy groups to call your Senator today to urge her/him to support a budget amendment. The one below came into my email last night from Lew Finfer around youth jobs, youth leadership and anti violence programs are near and dear to my heart. And they are dear to my head because these programs really do make a difference in thousands of kids lives.
The Senate Budget Debate really starts tomorrow in separate Democratic and Republican caucuses, (or caucii?). Formal “debate” begins on Wed at 10:00 am. You can find the whole Senate Ways and Means recommendations for FY 14 here and with this site can actually monitor the debate. You can watch the live sessions here
From Lew:
Do you get tired of emails you get from our organization and myself about the year in year out call to do something about state budget cuts?
Amendment 703 [YouthWorks] Youth At-Risk Job Programs Senator Chang-Diaz
Amendment 41 Youthworks Senator Wolf
Amendment 347 School-to-Career Senator Brownsberger
EPS 436
Amendment 436 Shannon Grants Senator Donghue
Amendment 695 Safe and Successful Youth Initiative Senator Chang-Diaz
EHS 700
Amendment 700 Violence Prevention Grants Senator Chang-Diaz
Amendment 293 Pathways to Family Economic Self-Sufficiency Senator Donoghue
“Section __. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller shall transfer $2,000,000 from the General Fund to the Commonwealth Corporation, under contract with the Department of Transitional Assistance, for the administration of a three-year pilot program called Pathways to Family Economic Self-Sufficiency.
(b) Said pilot shall equip low-income families for long-term economic stability by providing enhanced preparation for, increased access to, and support for success in education and training programs leading to employment in high-demand occupations.
(c) Eligible individuals include adults and teens with responsibility for the care of one or more dependent children who: (i) are receiving or have within the past two years received Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or, (ii) who are receiving or have within the past two years received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, or, (iii) are receiving or have within the past two years received Mass Health benefits on behalf of her or himself or one or more dependent children, and, (iv) who are determined suitable for participation in the Pilot based on an assessment of education, work experience, interest in participation and other factors;
(d) At least 40 percent of the Pathways participants shall be recipients of Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children at the time their participation begins.
(e) The pilot shall be administered by the Commonwealth Corporation under contract with the Department of Transitional Assistance; the Commonwealth Corporation will administer a request for proposal to select the pilot sites. Qualified respondents must demonstrate their capacity for and experience in supporting the efforts of low-income families to prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment. Commonwealth Corporation shall engage an independent evaluator for the purposes of documenting implementation to support replication and evaluating outcomes of the Pilot.
Amendment 374 YouthBuild Senator Donoghue
Amendment 710 on 4590-1507 DPH Youth at Risk Senator Jehlen
Teen Empowerment [earmark]
“that the department of public health shall award not less than $100,000 to the Center for Teen Empowerment, Inc.”;
and in said item by striking out the figure “$2,950,000” and inserting in place thereof the figure:-
judy-meredith says
As Amendments get accepted or rejected check out this site which will be maintained pretty much in real time – maybe 30 minutes late at the most.
Peter Porcupine says
The Senators aren’t mad at you, and would like to fund more. But – the money isn’t there for everything. The Senate used to be notorious for porking up the budget and then letting the evil GOP governor make the cuts mandated by the balanced budget amendment. Wasn’t the human service cry always, ‘Support the SENATE version!’
Now that the the governor is also a Democrat, the game isn’t as much fun. It is the responsibility for advocates to do their job, and put forth the cause and reason for their program. But getting up to only a 10% cut is doing pretty good, since budgets usually have a built-in increase as well. To insist on ‘full funding’ is really kind of, well, greedy. Especially since it will likely have to be cut anyway for the balanced budget.
So, yeah – your request AFTER an increase from the original for status quo ante is pretty annoying.
Christopher says
For so many of these services we need to expand the pie rather than simply deciding how we slice it. Sometimes it means deficit-spending, which actually can be stimulative. We could of course raise taxes or at least reduce tax expenditures.
fenway49 says
just increase revenues, which are down 26% from their levels in the late 1970s. It’s telling that you find “only a 10% cut” is “pretty good.” Damn those greedy social service workers. We must, at all cost, make sure people making $400K continue to pay far less state income tax they’d pay in progressive bastions like Arkansas and South Carolina.