Last January, I posted on Blue Mass Group “State Senate Votes Go Online” and I am pleased to post today that “State Senate Votes Are Online.” If you are following the Senate’s debate on the budget and on various amendments, the Legislature’s website posted votes online within 24 hours after votes were taken. Here is the link to view the votes. Unfortunately, as the Senate finally puts votes online in a timely manner, the Senate didn’t vote on a lot of the key votes that deserve an up or down roll call vote.
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Are you stating that the State Senate (as a single entity) is putting the results of their votes online, or are you stating that the votes from each of the State Senators are online for each vote in the State Senate?
It looks like the former, unless I’m missing something…
Which is progress. Progressive Mass. is putting together a list of votes by Senator. Green is their preferred position, red is against. But even if you don’t agree with their characterization you can see how someone voted.
The list of roll call votes is pretty small. On virtually all amendments like these there is no roll call. Therese Murray could make a nice living one day as a grumpy auctioneer.