I joined Ed Markey’s brother (and my former law partner) today to kick off Markey for Senate canvasses in Brookline and Concord. With 10 days until the June 25 election, I wanted to do my part to make sure the Democratic grassroots effort is in full gear.
This race matters to me a great deal — because my brother held seat until he joined the Obama Administration, because I know and have worked with Ed Markey, because it will have a real impact on the debates in Washington.
Ed Markey has fought many of the same battles as John Kerry. He will pick right up where John left off.
In 2010, the two of them led the fight for energy and climate change legislation. As I work in Washington for consumer privacy Ed is the first person I turn to because he has fought so consistently and forcefully for consumers. He is also a key champion of the innovation economy. Ed will be able to hit the ground running in the Senate with the same energy and creativity.
The choice in this race is clear. On a woman’s right to choose, on gun safety, on keeping an eye on Wall Street, there is a real difference. We cannot to afford to lose one vote in the Senate. One vote can make a difference on Supreme Court nominations and the confirmation of key appointees. On the next round of budget battles. With 39 straight months of job growth now, we cannot afford to go backwards or balance the budget of the middle class or the most vulnerable.
The people of Massachusetts elected John Kerry to the Senate five times because these issues matter to them. I’m working to elect Ed Markey because he will carry on what the voters elected my brother to do.
Multiple choice … private equity … jobs overseas … good packaging but vague positions … the guy could be Mitt Romney’s fifth son!
There is one key vote he can’t duck. That’s the vote he would cast to make Mitch McConnell the Majority Leader of the Senate, and along with him, to put Republicans in charge of Senate committees (like climate-change-denier James Imhofe on the committee that deals with the environment).
I have seen what BMGers can do to mobilize the grass roots grass roots going back to 2006. 10 day to go — time to do it again, for Ed Markey.
Cam, so nice to hear your thoughts. I appreciate your effort. I met John Markey at an event the day after we had both been mentioned in the Lowell Sun. He hadn’t seen the article and was curious. A friend of mine volunteering for LCV knocked on John’s door for Ed Markey.
I am doing my part to help elect Ed and have actually lost some weight!
You are the cat’s pajamas. At any weight.
I believe it. Bring energy bars and fluids along … and keep canvassing!