The potential candidates to replace His Excellency Deval L. Patrick are lining up. Most of us know that there are establishment candidates salivating over the prospect of being the boss man on Beacon Hill, like Steve Grossman. Grossman spent years methodically funding candidates and laying the groundwork for a skate into public office…..he is the poster boy for “political operative.” On the other side of the gender aisle of establishment candidates is Martha Coakley whom Phillips reports in the Globe today is weighing a run for office. She kept the door open last year with her interest higher office.
With former LG Timothy Murray out of the game, it seems that these two are the big name recognition candidates. Neither one appeals to me precisely because they are the antithesis of Governor Patrick’s leadership. The legacy of Governor Patrick will be his instinctual and innovative approach to policy, problems and solutions. His ability to exercise vision for the Commonwealth is measured and grounded in data, science and political acumen. His governance has been dominated by keen insight to reality and possibilities.
The potential power candidates grate on my sensibilities due to their lack of genuine inner compass guiding their political careers.
Fundraising and political outreach require candidates to be on the move in the current election cycle. It appears that little know state Senator Dan Wolf is flirting with Doug Rubin over at Northwind Strategies. Okay, that may be a good investment for Wolf, but……..the curiosity factor that will unfold in time will be if Rubin/Walsh et al back an exciting newcomer (Patrick, Warren) or one of the stale ‘ole establishment candidates?
Mo Cowan.