First, I wanted to clarify that this is not from The Onion.
Via CNN, Gomez was on Fox News Sunday being and was asked if he was going to win the Special Election on Tuesday. Gomez gifted us one of the greatest lines ever.
I’m confident I’m going to win. But as a famous general once said in World War II, I shall return.
Does Gomez have the ability to not play both sides of every question asked of him? Thanks for the laughs Gabriel.
Please share widely!
I’m sure I don’t understand how his mind works.
That you would say that about a great patriotic American, a Navy SEAL, for crying out loud — did you know I was a Navy SEAL? — well, that’s just low and despicable. And low. All you people at Blue Mass Group, I mean you’re just lower than pond scum. Except the one from Waltham. I hear that guy’s awesome.
My former neighbor, Eric Bleicken, ran with the slogan ‘Send in a SEAL!” 15 years ago.
That was when pro-life Minority Leader Ed Teague was the RINO….
Wow, talk about feeding the Troll. Given the choice of being called Pond Scum or being called a Republican, I much prefer pond scum. At least pond scum has some basic organization at a cellular level.
ahh, the complexities of being Gabriel Gomez.
A general so famous that he need not be named. To Mr. Gomez, my reply is the one a famous President gave to the famous general: “You’re fired.”
in the most gruesome of fashions — the Bataan Death March — because of that famous general’s ineptitude and inability to follow pre-established defense plans.
If that famous General that Gomez is such a fan of was honest, he would have said, “Now that I took .5% of the Filipino’s entire defense budget as a personal check for the crappy work I’ve done, I shall return after you’ve all been subjected to horrendous torture and slaughter, if you haven’t starved or been beaten to death already.”
Thankfully, I think Gomez will be beaten so soundly tomorrow that he’ll decided there’s no need for him to ‘return’ for another electoral wallop.
an advance to the rear!
Primary voters generally don’t reward failure, so unless he loses by a very narrow margin, I would think that Republican voters next time around would not want to get burned twice on such a lackluster candidate. Maybe he should have another go at Selectman.
It’s not fair! It’s not fair! It’s not fair!
To be fair, he adds, “We were massively overspent.” He must have missed the memo about money being speech and corporations being people.
MEMO TO GOP: complexion and Espanol will not win the Hispanic vote.
Nobody told him he couldn’t bring in the full Republican Party to help him. If he wanted Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, and EricCantor holding events in Massachusetts, he certainly had every right.
What kind of crybaby picks a losing side, then whines when they lose?