Much like Christmas morning, I don’t feel the election season has really started, until some Troll writes about how they are so much better than everyone else, because they vote for the best person rather than the party affiliation (and by some miracle, in their opinion, the best person is always the Republican), and as such, pathetically try to get Democrats to vote for the Republican candidate just once in order to “prove” that they are “enlighted, free-thinking individuals”. Perhaps Mr. Gomez is such a weak candidate, it isn’t worth the resident Troll’s effort to try this year, and as such it will be like a “Christmas without Snow” this year.
Merry Special Election, to Each and Every ONE!
Vote for the ACA and the environment!
sabutai says
That post has been pre-empted but an incoming post declaring that one has given up on the Bruins.
Peter Porcupine says
…from the guy who’s voting for Markey in honor of his dad the boxer and his mom the school teacher, because they’d want him to vote that way to preserve control of the Senate?
God help us, every one!
Democrats are the new homogenous trolls, better by far because they never waver.
kbusch says
Why aren’t Republicans for making the country more gentle? For example, why is your party trying to cut back on food stamps?
Food stamps!!
danfromwaltham says
Just the truly needy to receive food stamps, not those who are able-bodied but choose not to work. That rubs people the wrong way, no?
Now Pelosi said food stamps are an economic stimulus…..God help us everyone.
kbusch says
I don’t think you should use big words like “economic stimulus” until you understand them.
Similarly, the word “indiscretion”.
John Tehan says
…the government can do. For every dollar spent on food stamps, we see $1.73 increase in economic activity. The Republicans favored stimulus, tax cuts, returns just $0.33 per dollar spent.
Read it and weep, Dan.
danfromwaltham says
I just don’t see the correlation between by increasing food stamps, people will eat more food, so truckers will haul more produce, thus farmers get a bump in production and revenue. Dont we have an obesity problem anyway?
Don’t get me wrong, I have no qualms with the number welfare/food stamps or folks on disability. If the government can’t produce enuff jobs for the people, and ship the best ones (mfg) to Mexico and China, then people should collect and grab what they can. I blame the politicians who ruined the job market that put us in this situation.
That is why in this election, I will sit this one out. One killed our mfg sector, the other is a tax deducting cheat.
John Tehan says
Now go read it and maybe you’ll “understand the correlation”.
As to the rest of your comment, it’s your usual drivel, and I don’t believe for a microsecond that you’re not voting today.
HR's Kevin says
Of course that metric gets thrown out of the window by Republicans when it comes to handing out goodies to big business. I didn’t hear any Republicans saying that we should eliminate farm subsidies to giant corporate farms. I am also unaware that there are very many people getting food stamps that fit into your “able-bodied but choose not to work” category.
The fact is that, while individual Republicans might care, Republicans as a party do not care in the slightest for the needy.
I also don’t know why you mock the correct observation that food stamps are an economic stimulus. Indeed they are. Any government spending that goes directly into the economy must be a stimulus. Food stamps must be spent in local stores; they cannot be converted to offshore assets and essentially removed from the US economy.
danfromwaltham says
I just find touting more welfare as an economic stimulus is throwing in the towel, similar to opening casinos to increase state revenues.
I concur, eliminate farm subsidies along with both oil and green energy tax subsidies. End these obscene Big Business tax breaks along with Big Education (those with > $1 billion endowment).
Heck, pass Simpson/Bowles.
HR's Kevin says
If you understand that food stamps are stimulative than why did you resort to the cheap Pelosi retort?
BTW, I don’t think anyone would suggest that we issue food stamps just for the stimulus effect, but in the context of Republican-imposed belt tightening, it makes perfect sense to protect programs that both help needy people and stimulate the economy.
I don’t understand your obsession with taxing education institutions while leaving other large non-profit organizations alone. Why tax Harvard, but not the Mormon or Catholic Church or Scientologists or non-profit hospitals? One can well argue that Harvard, MIT and BU are too rich and powerful, but there is no question that the presence of so many top-notch higher educational institutions has been crucial to the development of the regional economy, so its not like we haven’t gotten anything out of the deal.
Christopher says
…between those who can’t work and those who choose not to. I know of nobody who likes being on food stamps. After all, you can barely get by on them especially if you have more mouths to feed than your own. There are those who can’t find work despite their best efforts. There are also those who do work, but make so little that they still qualify for food stamps (looking at you, Walmart!). I can’t believe anyone wants to be idle. Even after a few days with nothing to do I get a major case of cabin fever. Yes, any time you put money in people’s pockets it is stimulative, especially among those with minimal disposable income to begin with.
mike_cote says
Wow, what a bunch of Scrooges on the Right (read Wrong)!
Are there no work houses? Are there no debtor’s prisons?