From the National Journal, some problematic data:
The results come a day after Davis, the state senator, captured the imagination of liberals nationwide as she stood for 11 hours to block a Texas measure that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks and placed new restrictions on abortion clinics. In Washington, Democrats have lampooned House Republicans for passing a similar ban on abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy as the latest shot fired in the “war on women.”
But the poll, notably, showed that women supported such a measure in greater numbers than men (50 percent of women in favor; 46 percent of men).
Overall, the survey suggests that the 20-week abortion measure fractures some of the modern Democratic coalition. Among all age groups, it was young Americans–who have regularly sided with Democratic priorities in the age of Obama–who most strongly supported the measure (52 percent). The measure also received the support of 51 percent of white women, both those who are college educated and those who are not.
I suspect that this simply will mean fewer “Single Issue Voters” on subject of Choice and not in any way, shape or form a shift to the republican quagmire. I strongly believe the Republican Party is become so unbearably toxic that this is hardly a harbinger of things to come, again IMHO.
This year I’ve seen issue polls that show strong support for the conservative position, just to find that the sample composition was tilted, or that a slight change in wording changes the results by 20 points. I wouldn’t make too much of this until I see more evidence of a trend.