When Assistant U.S. Attorney Fred Wyshak was asked what he believed was the downfall of retired FBI agent John Connolly he attributed it to Connolly being “too close to the Bulgers and South Boston.”
Not Whitey. Not an individual. Not a criminal group. Not a bad corner or barroom or social club or gang.
No. He blamed it on one family and an entire Boston neighborhood with 40,000 residents. The same place where Connolly was born, raised, educated, and lived a good deal of his life.
In sports they talk about a scout or coach falling in love with the player. Worse thing you can do. Lose all objectivity and end up seeing things that are and are not there at the expense of other players and the good of the team. Don’t fall in love with a race horse either. Task requires rational thinking.
That is the best I can say about Wyshak’s obsession. At least half a dozen serial killers are walking the streets of Boston and another (Steve Flemmi) is expected to be freed soon. All on Wyshak’s say so.
At worst he’s another Joe McCarthy.
Joe McCarthy, the anti-Communist and certified whack job Senator from Wisconsin who used his Senate chairmanship and its subpoena powers to destroy lives and much more in a misguided self-grandizing and institutionally embarrassing pursuit of something that was not there.
Were there Communist spies in Washington? Absolutely.
Did McCarthy have any idea what was going on? No.
Did he convince himself of false scenarios based on uneducated hunches? You betchya.
Were there scripted hearings and a willing press reporting his theater as fact? Posilutely
Could the Bulger Trial be Wyshak’s “have you no shame” moment? If there is a God in Heaven it will be.
If Wyshak is another McCarthy that makes AUSA Brian Kelley his Roy Cohn. (Ouch that would suck, but you know what? It’s my knew name for Kelley, Roy Cohn. Just to piss him off).
So as anyone whosever seen Heaven Can Wait knows life is all about probabilities and outcome. And when it came to probability and outcome in the world of criminal prosecution a shitload of mobsters in Boston hit the mother load of long shots when this Wyshak character appeared on the scene..
After Whitey fled to avoid dealing with the indictments he and Stevie received for racketeering (not murder) and then rumors were afloat there would be indicted for some murders Stevie, who never served time before, shit the bed and claimed immunity/informant.
All of a sudden Wyshak went to work. And so didn’t the wise guys and their lawyers. Wyshak was dealing. Give him anything on Whitey and please God something on Billy. No deal too small and definitely no deal too big.
As long as you can come up with something that fits the narrative Wyshak is looking for you can do well. The word went out and the stories came back.
Kevin Weeks? Check and on the street
John Martorano? Check and on the street
Pat Nee? Top Echelon Informant (TEO) and on the street
Are there others? You bet your sweet ass there are others.
So circle the wagons boys. This is business. The name of the game is save your own ass and scoring this Wyshak character is like picking all the winners in the first round of the NCAA Basketball Tourny.
And make sure all our mobster surrogates like Tony Cardinale keep Wyshak happy by spewing whatever he wants to hear.
As for the press Sen McCarthy, I mean Wyshak, bought them early and often. Systematically fed them info gaining more and more control of them as they base more and more of their career and reputation on the strings attached to his hip.
Try to find Pat Nee’s name in the Globe or Herald the past two days. He was identified by Flemmi yesterday as the unknown backseat shooter of Brian Halloran and Michael Donahue. A mystery for thirty years.
Can it be more obvious the Globe and Herald are controlled by Wyshak too?.
Funny how Wyshak is the AUSA on the state probation scandal. Doesn’t make sense. Well it does when you know that he wanted to indict a Bulger on this. That’s what drove it. That’s what got him involved. Yet the Bulger kid did shit, contrary to Paul Ware’s bold faced lies in the Ware Report saying he did.
So Wyshak, convinced the entire State House is corrupt came in guns a blazin’. Hence Bob DeLeo’s $300,000 legal fees. Expect about the same from Terry Murray. Neither has done anything wrong.
The phony probation scandal was “exposed” by the Globe. Did Wyshak pressure his pawns at the Globe to do the series in hopes of ensnaring a Bulger? We already know from the trial that the Globe has unethical dealings in past with FBI.
This by the way is where Wyshak started Sal DiMasi’s slow painful, and inhumane death. As you recall Wyshak sent him on those death rides as the cancer spread waiting for Sal to say “uncle” and make something up about somebody like DeLeo or Trav or a a mass indictment of a boatload of reps.
Wyshak has gotten butkus. O’Brien was acquitted on Martha Coakley’s bogus hey-look-at-me charade. Wyshak’s case against O’Brien sucks so he’s ramped it up to where O’Brien is facing umty nine years. Lesser men make up things when put under these pressures.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the mafia – Flemmi, Martorano, Sallemme – and southie wise guys – Weeks, Nee, O’Neil – are the luckiest gangsters alive thanks to them being on the right side of Joe McCarthy and the wrong side of Communism.
The Fight Against All Things Bulger and South Boston Must Live On!
God Bless America!
Below is a must watch video. A short film starring Pat Nee and some of his henchmen. Filmed on location at Nee’s private club where he runs card games and such, It’s called the Real Deal and its real as far as it a short film and it is fiction and it was produced by and stars recently identified back seat shooter Pat Nee as the head wise guy.
It’s worth the watch and there is a surprise ending. Also check out the end credits.
Also, the YouTube video shows black for first 10 secs or so bf it gets going.
Below that is a shorter video of Pat Nee showing us how his first murder went down.
BTW Motions to be heard in court tomorrow requesting the government disclose its file on Pat Nee, aka Willie in the Real Deal.
If you don’t want to be paid a visit by Neezo and Weekzie,and Martorano, and Stevie and the other Wyshak lottery winners on or eventually on the street than i suggest you follow me on twitter
you’re just making up stuff that fits this Bulger apologist agenda. The Globe has mentioned Nee at least three times in just the last 24 hours (thanks, Google!), including in the column of the object of your love affair- Mr. Cullen:
This is headline stuff. McGrory mentioned in passing about Nee being the backseat shooter and the other links don’t mention it at all.
Scout don’t be an apologist for these guys. I’m not one for Whitey. Whitey’s a gangster. I’m interested in the truth.
You sound like a Globie to me scout.
Quick with the defense and the links to back up your argument.
They don’t however. They prove my point.
Thanks for taken it literally you moron.
I’m happy criticize the globe…when they deserve it. It’s notable that you think actually bothering to back up a claim is some kind of indictment, though.
One of the (many) interesting things things about this trial is how it’s brought the Bulger lap-dogs and apologists out of the woodwork- still fighting to restore those old mythologies of Billy as the noble Renaissance man/public servant and Whitey as the Robing Hood of Southie. Fascinating subculture, really. That grift was exposed years ago though, and the Bulgerite arguments are desperate.
In the comments on the Globe and Herald articles about today, the Bulger defenders are lowered to semantic arguments about the definition about the definition of a pedophile. Thank you, at least, for not going there.
…Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has gained internet groupies, is it not surprising that Ernie is one of the Bulger lap-dogs?
Billy *was* a “Renaissance man/public servant,” as well as other less admirable things. He went to the wall many a time to protect and expand the safety net for the poorest and he embodied communitarian values in ways that individualistic keyboard “progressives” would do well to emulate. People are complicated.
Lapdogs, not so much.
How did you like the movie?
for the first 30 seconds is the best part.
Flemmi implicated Nee in 5 homicides from the witness stand over the past several days. The Globe’s lengthy recap articles of the testimony detailed those murders, but did not mention Nee’s name once in connection with those murders. Three of the murders occurred in Pat Nee’s house! Still no mention of Nee by the Globe. The Globe is ethically challenged here because they published so many stories and books based on the government’s leaks that they can’t report the evidence that undermines the version of events they invested in so heavily. To do so would hurt their paper and book sales.
For secades, the Globe has profited handsomely from pimping the government’s version of events that was illegally leaked to the Globe. Now they are stuck with it as Hank Brennan shreds it each day in court.
Nee is mentioned in the links above, and other times…including very prominently in today’s paper. Bulger has been implicated in 19 murders, was #1 on the most wanted list for over a decade, and is the person people want to read about. It’s arguable Nee could be reported on more, but there is a lot going on in the trial, and the focus is rightly on Bulger. It’s not a conspiracy. Clearly though, Nee is scum and should not be walking around a free man.
And if there’s anything that’s been underreported it’s the fairly shocking death of Steve Rakes.
Ernie is onto something with this falling in love thing though. For decades, the Globe (including Cullen) either ignored or coddled the Bulgers and burnished their myths, thus enabling their exploits. Once the spotlight got rightly turned onto what was happening (from true horrors to general shadiness), the Bulger Brigade has started viewing the Globe with the blinding hatred of a spurned lover- and everything that happens now can only be (mis)viewed through the distorted prism of what once was.
Bulger was on the most wanted list for over a decade. He was #1 for a only a short time.
Gotta get those fact right…
Wyshak immunized Frankie “Cadillac” Salemme, the boss of the entire New England La Cosa Nostra. MA State Police estimate Salemme had criminal liability for about 60 murders committed under his leadership. Frankie fought a vicious little gang war from 1990-1994 in which his faction murdered six members of the rival Russo faction. That’s how he ascended to replace Raymond Patriarca as the sole leader in New England of this international crime group.
Thanks to Mr. Wyshak’s obsession for prosecuting South Boston Irish Catholics, Mr. Salemme is on the street, splitting his time between Brookline and Florida.
During the past week, Stevie “The Rifleman” Flemmi testified how he came up through the ranks with Salemme starting out as associates of Wimpy Bennett’s Roxbury gang. Flemmi detailed how he and Salemme killed guys for Bennett, before they turned on their leader. Flemmi and Salemme murdered their friend Wimpy Bennett and his two brothers, leaving no survivors in the Bennett family. Flemmi testified that he and Salemme traded info with FBI Agent Paul Rico to get the location of Punchy McLaughlin. Flemmi emptied a Webly pistol into McLaughlin at a bus stop with Salemme’s help. Flemmi testified that Salemme called him early one morning to go to a bar to clean up a mess. Flemmi found the bar owner, Tom Timmons, severely beaten by two friends. flemmi threw Timmons in a car an drove him to Salemmes house in Sharon were they strangled him and buried him nearby. Together they killed several more guys in the gang war before they got indicted for bombing a lawyer. After Salemme got out of jail for that, Flemmi helped Salemme murder another bar owner named Steven Dissarro in 1993. They strangled him in Salemme’s Sharon home also. Flemmi provided a silenced pistol to Salemme’s hit man Mark Rosetti. Rosetti was recently exposed by MA State Police as a heroin trafficker, suspect in six homicides, and a Top Echelon FBI informant.
Contrast Salemme with Pat Nee. During the past three days, Flemmi identified Nee as participating in five murders for which Nee has never been charged. Wyshak has withheld this information from local law enforcement since He immunized Flemmi in 2003. Wyshak has denied giving Nee an explicit immunity deal. It’s obvious, however, that Wyshak has given Nee consideration in failing to prosecute him for these five murders.
Flemmi also testified that several other murderers have been ignored by Wyshak.
It’s time for an objective media to step in and question Wyshak’s motives in putting so many murderers on the streets of Boston. It’s also time Dan Conley steps in to prosecute all these murderers. The evidence is all there, it only takes a willing prosecutor.
but in deference to ernie I’ll keep an open mind.
I have tried to follow things on the Connoly blog, and your posts here, but I give up. The style of both — full of nicknames coined by the author, inside baseball jokes, and assumptions that I know everything about everyone, and “huge revelations, details to follow somewhere else”– make these sources impossible to follow in any meaningful way.
Matt Connolly has dome the opposite of what u suggest CMD. I wish you would give it a second a chance.
As for my posts, well, yeah.
Connolly’s post today catalogue’s the serial murderers (US Atty witnesses), their crimes and their deals with the US Atty to avoid punishment for their crimes. It is a shameful state of affairs. Dozens of murders, no justice. Hundreds of crimes, no justice. Globe and Herald looked the other way for years to please their sources at the US Atty.’s office and FBI. The obsession to catch the gangster/murderer James Bulger has cost the US Atty. and FBI their credibility because they sold out our justice system to thugs, murderers and liars…lay down with dogs, get fleas.
There should be a version of Godwin’s Law for using McCarthey, it is so beyond lame and pathetic. It is moving into tragic and sad! Correction: EB3 is moving into tragic and sad!
this guy is on a witch hunt…the epitome of abuse of power, and he isn’t catching any flack for it. We read about per diems for legislators being a waste of our money in the Herald. How much has this probation grand jury cost taxpayers? How many people have been bankrupted by having to hire attorneys to appear before this sham court?
missed that one.
Here’s the EB’s movie: When Hacks Attack
P.s. that may be the worst video I’ve ever seen.