Hello Fellow BMG’rs
I’ve been working on a pet project to collect all the information about the race to fill Ed Markey’s seat in congress in one convenient, easy to use location. You can find information on the candidates, links to their websites, their Facebook pages, twitter feeds, Campaign Finance Data, Broadside Interviews, Endorsements, Stances on the Issues, and I just recently embedded the First Candidates forum hosted by the Stoneham Dems.
Markeyseat.com aims to be unbiased, and has information on both Democrats and Republicans. It’s a non commercial public service. I don’t make any money off it. The idea is inspired but completely unrelated to Conor Yuntis’s Kennedyseat.com
Check it out and spread the word to your friends, especially if they don’t know who to vote for. Your feedback and input is welcome and greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support!
Maxwell Morrongiello
Your two links above lead back to this post rather than taking me to markeyseat.com.
Thanks for the catch! I changed the links they should work now 🙂
I thought about doing a post here to point it out, but then I saw it was a BMGer who created it so I figured I’d let you toot your own horn.
Sorry for being anal, but you should change “formally” to “formerly” in this section (which appears at least twice on your site):
Markey’s seat live twitter feed! Markeyseat.com aims to be an unbiased resource for information on the candidates that will vie for the 5th Congressional District formally held by Ed Markey.
Good job Max, but just wanted you to know that Melrose
Mayor Rob Dolan endorsed Senator Katherine Clark for Congress at her Kickoff last week.