And today there’s this expose on the king of expanding gambling – everywhere, all the time, including cyberspace (but who cares if it is one of the most regressive and destructive ways to raise revenues) – I want to be your next governor…..Steeeeeeeeeeeeeve Grossman.
It’s unclear how the dispute will proceed, and whether a business resolution can be reached, but there is a potential for a lawsuit, Grossman wrote. He said any business resolution or litigation is “entirely a personal matter” and stems from events that preceded his work as treasurer.
Grossman, who was elected treasurer in 2010, declined requests for an interview on Wednesday.
My strong preference is for him to go back to funding candidates and progressive organizations.
David says
this strikes me as an embarrassing and costly error, but one that (a) seems to have no obvious ethical aspect, and (b) was almost certainly committed by Grossman’s accountants and insurance agents rather than by Grossman himself.
SomervilleTom says
Nevertheless, I’m a bit weary of candidates for whom the sudden and unexpected loss of half a million dollars is a casual non-event.
Is Mr. Grossman ever going to have any sincere empathy for folks who experience real hardship when a bank overcharges them $35 for a bogus fee?
seamusromney says
BMG’s own Hesterprynne has covered this question pretty well:
If Grossman really wants to protect the taxpayers, he might want to look a bit more critically at gambling.
daves says
Just like Ted Kennedy. He was rich, so he didn’t care if ordinary people did not have access to healthcare. Excellent point.
seamusromney says
Because he’s made it clear he doesn’t care.
HeartlandDem says
is no Ted Kennedy.
(….that was just too wide open)
daves says
I agree he’s no Ted Kennedy. That was not my point (and I am not a Grossman supporter in any event).
You are supposed to start the line with: “I new Ted Kennedy . . .” But then, I’m no Dan Quayle, either.
HeartlandDem says
If you new Ted Kennedy, rather than “knew” Ted Kennedy.
daves says
hesterprynne says
for the plug!
drikeo says
What’s really going to be embarrassing is the amount of money Grossman spends to get a single-digit vote total in the primary next fall.