RACE. At Breitbart.com where they haven’t thought about race that much, they are finding this line from Oprah’s interview with Anderson Cooper to be outrageous:
People don’t feel it’s race because people don’t call it race…A lot of people think if they think they’re not using the n-word themselves, they physically aren’t using the n-word themselves, and do not harbor ill will towards black people that it’s not racist. But to me it’s ridiculous to look at that case and not to think that race was involved.
They’ve also joined a recent theme about Obama vacationing to much. The latest report regards him golfing. (And yes, this is quite ironic after George W. Bush, and, during a period when John Boehner, who golfs just plain excessively is Speaker of the House.)
Various right-wingers here and there are “standing up” for the all too famous rodeo clown. Perhaps this will become a big “first amendment” thing for them. For example Michelle Malkin.
Race also appears as a theme in the latest addition to the Ann Coulter oeuvre Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama.
EXECUTIVE OVERREACH. This is the theme of Charles Krauthammer’s column, Can Obama Write His Own Laws and it’s possible he raises some good points worth examination and debate. This line is somewhat echoed by George Will’s column Obama’s Unconstitutional Steps Worse Than Nixon’s.