Remember when Obama said “if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will be able to take it away. No matter what.”
You know, I bit my tongue when I found out UPS eliminated health insurance coverages for employee spouses who have access to health care coverage thru their own employer, regardless of the cost. I looked the other way upon reading how IBM and GE modified their retiree health care coverages due to Obamacare.
I waited as long as I could upon finding out that Walgreens will end their employer based health coverage, and will throw all their employees, along with a voucher, into the Obamacare exchanges. You know, these same call centers who are so stingy, half the workers manning the phones won’t have health insurance. But what really got me angry was when Obama cheerleader, Stephanie Cutter, praised the Walmart move, by saying “wonderful, the workers will have more choices now”.
So Stephanie, since people loved you when you called Romney a felon for not paying taxes, please ask those same people if they will give up their health insurance, take a voucher, and be thrown the wolves, I mean exchanges. I especially ask this of our public workers, since many of them worked so hard to re-elect Obama and pushed this horrible law.
Then I ask, if choices are so wonderful, Stephanie, why don’t you support the Paul Ryan plan for Medicare? Why is choice so wonderful for Walgreens workers, but not Medicare recipients? How people defend such a horrible bill like Obamacare, is beyond comprehension. People getting their hours slashed, now workers are being given a fixed voucher by major employers, and told they are on their own. Rise up Democrats, Rise up!! Listen to Warren Buffett, who said Obamacare should be scrapped and start over.
What did you say? Obamacare will save us $2500 a year? Sure, Obama said that, but did you believe him? Seriously folks, you believed that BS like when Deval said he would cut your property taxes in 2007.
Different topic but had to tell my peeps on BMG. I attended the Boston College VS Notre Dame soccer game tonight. Great time with the kids, ended 1-1. But guess what. The Notre Dame keeper did a “Tebow” at the 18 yard line before the start of the half and OT. Oh man, did I become a ND fan all of a sudden. What a great kid, I cheered him on and he made a game winning save with less than 1 minute in double OT. I’m not saying anything more, but just saying……
johnk says
decrying an open market where people shop and decide on their own health plan.
I am so ashamed of you.
kbusch says
That’s where everyone goes to get unbiased news sources to convince people on Democratic sites.
But since it is was sourced by townhall, and the author was too lazy to do any more homework, it probably doesn’t merit a response because any response would require someone to do our author’s homework for him. (For example, did it really happen as our non-Republican Republican asserts?)
Jasiu says
If you know anything about the Walgreens story, you know the headline used by the author is just plain false. Analogy: A story by the same author about a family selling their house and buying another would likely be: “Family loses home!”
danfromwaltham says
Why is Walgreens doing this, b/c they love choices or to save money?
johnk says
Dan is frantically searching pajamas media, red state, or newsmax for a response he can cut and paste.
danfromwaltham says
I know this is painful johnk, in fact, me pointing out the serial hypocrisy of the far-left like Stephanie Cutter and yourself, hurts me, more than it hurts you. It’s so wonderful johnk, do you advocate all puplic workers to be given a voucher and go on the exchanges.
Below is Stephanie Cutter singing the praises of Walgreens and choices and how Walgreens will save money. It’s at the 19:00 minute mark. I was going to do a new diary of how TX Gov Rick Perry destroyed MD Gov. Martin O’Malley in the CNN Crossfire debate.
rcmauro says
not the public exchanges set up by the ACA.
“Though companies point to the health law for accelerating the trend of broad benefits changes, supporters of the law note some firms may be using it for cover as they make adjustments that aren’t always popular with workers.”
“Strategies like moving workers to private exchanges ‘may be the way of the future, but don’t blame the Affordable Care Act for it,’ says Ezekiel Emanuel, a former Obama administration health-care adviser and University of Pennsylvania professor of health-care management.”
Mark L. Bail says
with Dan’s personal myth making? He’s Dan the Giant Slayer! He arises whenever America is in trouble. He is here to oppose big government and eliminate liberal perfidy.
This is the 2nd or 3rd time in a week when he’s passed on right-wing fairy tales as reality and cast himself as the savior of the working man.
kirth says
Remember the SNL episode where he played the Mighty Mouse theme song? Now I’m going to think of that whenever darnfromwaltham tries to save us from ourselves.
JimC says
The employer frees up cash, the exchange gets stronger because more people participate, and if we’re really lucky, the employees get better coverage than Walgreens would have given them in the first place.
I’m not seeing the problem.
danfromwaltham says
With h/c costs ballooning every year, you think the vouchers will cover most of the premiums and keep pace with the out-of-control inflation? Or are you naive in believing this will lower premiums, as Obama promised.
No Jimc, this isn’t suppose to happen. Your president said we wouldn’t lose our health insurance if we wanted to keep it. That’s lie #1. Lie #2 was saying premiums would go down, they haven’t. Three, Obamacare is incentivizing employers to was their hands in providing health insurance, you get a Paul Ryan like voucher and you are on your own.
Asking the same question nobody has the guts to answer. Should we put all public employees on the same system? They get a fixed voucher and all the teachers and cops and DPW workers call 1-800-PND-SAND, speak to an uninsured Obamacare Call Center Rep, and shop to you drop until you find the perfect health insurance.
Anyone else want to sing the praises of Walgreens? Why in Holy Hell am I the only one who sees the writing on the wall for private-sector workers? Why is this?
JimC says
Last I checked, he’s your president too. You tip your hand, DFW.
Mark L. Bail says
Fighting the bogie men created the right-wing.
cannoneo says
Walgreens has decided to use one of the private exchanges that have existed since before Obamacare passed. They exist so that companies can try to hold their contributions fixed even as overall costs and premiums rise. As such, they’re part of the squeeze on employee coverage that Obamacare was partly designed to address. It’s true that Obamacare doesn’t do a very good job in that area. Like the Mass. law, its main thrust is getting everyone covered and then attacking the cost problem with pilot programs that could be expanded if they work. But it’s also true that it makes the overall picture better. Some will see their premiums go up, but more will save money or get coverage they never had.
Christopher says
Companies trying to avoid the obligations of Obamacare do. I try to cut DFW a little slack on this particular subject because he supports single-payer, but his second paragraph is a bit disingenuous as this is not by a long shot his first diary on the subject.
David says
I thought about deleting this post because it’s so full of inaccuracies as to border on a violation of our rule against unsupported factual assertions, the most obvious and painful of which is claiming that Walgreen’s is moving its employees “into the Obamacare exchanges” when, in fact, Walgreen’s is moving its employees into a privately-run marketplace. Fortunately, the BMG hive mind has stepped in to point out Dan’s many errors.
Next time, Dan, the post gets deleted and your account will be suspended. Do your homework.
mollypat says
Dan is a waste of our time. I would be happy to read or partake in a debate with someone further right on the political spectrum based on actual facts. I am so tired of seeing the front page of Blue Mass Group littered with good folks doing Dan’s homework for him.
Mark L. Bail says
in the truth, rather than the Dan Edition. Reuters reports: