BC Eagles have a D1 football program. They pay their head coach millions a year( like all D1 programs) besides the logic of paying the players in this big money sport; Why do we give Boston College tax breaks ? so they have more money to pay their football coaches?
BC enjoys “non profit status” as a result pays less than 25% of their appraised property taxes. I find it hard to call any organzition with million dollar athletic coaches of an amatuer sport “non profit” . NCAA may continue to make the case for not paying college players so all the spoils of the sport go to the athelic directors, coaches and endowments.
But the taxpayers of Boston do not have to accept this absurd farse. If a college runs a “big money “sports program, they can afford to pay taxes to support our city; our fireman, our police and our schools.
What about Harvard with its $32 billion endowment fund paying no capital gains and even offer professors 0% interest loans. You think banks offer 0% to their employees? Tax all endowments over a billion dollars at 2.5%, Deval could add $800 million in revenue to spend on the children.
Schools, like media, think everyone can pay more that that they should pay nothing. I have the same thought every time I see the bottle bill reappear. The trash I see on the side of the road is actually newspapers, not water bottles. What do you think the reaction would be if they tried to tax newspapers?