Just got quite a poll that I think is Capuano testing the waters. But it was entertaining for all the wrong reasons. I was asked my party affiliation, then asked if I thought the state was “headed in the right direction or things are seriously headed off in the wrong direction.” I was asked who I would vote for in the “Democrat primary”.
Then, the gentleman hilariously massacred the names of possible and declared Massachusetts gubernatorial candidates (plus, Coakley was listed as a “possible entrant” into the field. I know, I know.) I was asked about “DEE-val Rhymes with Patrick”, “Julie KAY-yam”, and my favorite “Michael, uh, Michael, Cap-WAH-no” and later “Cap-WHAN-to”. I was later told that “many people” think the race will come down to “Steve, Mike, and Martha” and was asked how I would vote then. Finally, a special question if my feelings about Martha change based on the fact that she had lost badly to Brown. Ending demographic questions included union membership.
I post this for two reasons: first, one of these three has a poll in the field. I suspect it’s Capuano given the odd focus on someone not even in the race. Secondly, it’s a real cut-rate poll, with names mispronounced all over the place, out-of-date information, and wording that would piss off many liberals. It doesn’t leave the impression of a cutting-edge campaign.
If I were any of the candidates, I’d be polling him right now.
Coakley killing Capuano by 20 points…a replay of 2010? Capuano doesn’t need a poll, but does have to figure out how to beat someone that already soundly beat him.
It doesn’t sound clear at all who is running the poll.
Mike’s operation is too professional to have such a sloppy poll in the field. One of the other candidates or some other organization wants to see how he matches up with the field since there is good reason to believe he’ may get in the race as soon as this week.
then this is probably a Republican or right-wing poll.
But given that the poll also called Coakley a “possible” entrant into the race, I see incompetence all around. Do you think Baker would do something like this? Who else? Cahill, looking to peel off disaffected Democrats after a tough primary?
It’s someone’s first day. For $9/hr U Chxago and Gallup hire college grads to coduct polls over the phone. I’d be interested to do it but obviously that’s awful pay. Who knows could be a Maroon (or just a moron) on the other end.
But who wrote the obsolete script with poor phrasing? I don’t blame the caller for that.
To paraphrase the great line from Brokeback Mountain, as uttered by Anne Hathaway:
What are you waiting on, Mike? A mating call?
A) Capuano probably doesn’t want to announce right as the government shuts down. That’s a recipe for getting buried in the starting gate.
B) If he’s looking at numbers similar to the PPP ones above, then continued employment as a member of Congress might be looking pretty good to him.
At this rate, it sounds like I’ll be voting for “Olive Oyl”, “Betty Boop” or “Goofy” for Governor.
I’m not going to vote for Charlie Baker. In my view, Martha Coakley epitomizes everything that I find wrong with today’s Massachusetts Democratic Party — I won’t vote for her. I held my nose and did it once, and that is the only vote I remember regretting in forty years of elections.
I don’t think Coakley, or anyone else for that matter, is guaranteed the nomination at this point, though I think Coakley is much preferable to Baker if it came to that.
I meant in the general.
I think Ms. Coakley will win the primary, though with Mike Capuano out, I’ll almost surely campaign and vote for Joe Curtatone.
I disagree with you about Martha Coakley versus Charlie Baker. Saying she is “much preferable” is, to me, like arguing that drinking warm piss is much preferable to eating the stuff from the other place.
Sorry, but neither will knowingly pass my lips.
but one will be governor. Even if we stay within your rather piquant metaphor, there’s a rather, uh, clear preference.
I’ll write in Daffy Duck or whomever because, in my view, neither rises to the threshold of “barely tolerable”.
Because I tend to pay far more attention to Democratic party politics than Republican, my list of reasons to not want Ms. Coakley in ANY office is much longer than my similar list for Mr. Baker. In the interest of party unity, I’m trying to avoid belaboring them here.
I really hope that I’m not alone in this reaction, and I really hope that somebody like Joe Curtatone enters the primary and catches fire.
I do remember having a similar reaction to Tom Reilly (before my BMG days). Perhaps it’s something about the office of Attorney General. I remain convinced that Deval Patrick has been a far superior governor than Tom Reilly would have been.
We did it once, we can do it again.
Via Facebook:
After taking time to reflect with my family, I have decided that I will not be a candidate for Governor. I am truly touched by the support and encouragement I received throughout this process but believe I can best serve the Commonwealth in Congress. I will continue to be a strong voice for progressive policies in Washington.