Let’s start with Australia, the place where Andy Gibb and his brothers moved to while young, and formed one of the greatest bands ever, The Bee Gees. Tony Abbott was elected new Prime Minister of Australia by promising to eliminate the carbon tax imposed by the liberals, strengthen border security by having the Australian Navy turn back asylum seekers traveling on fishing boats, and cuts spending to eliminate their deficit. PM Abbott vows to eliminate the 30% tax on coal and iron ore miners profits.
Norway, flush with profits from oil exploration, has voted in a conservative government as well. Rena Solberg promised tax cuts and privatization of many state-owned companies.
Glad to see the voters of Australia and Norway didn’t buy the “Jive Talkin’ ” of the Labour Party. I am sure Labour supporters view the election returns as a “Tragedy”, but with high voter turnout, “You Should Be Dancing”, regardless of the outcome.