Here’s Charlie Baker’s intro video. Certainly, it’s an improvement over his 2010 intro video, which was so embarrassingly bad that his team quietly removed it from YouTube mid-campaign. Though as Baker moves around during the video, he doesn’t so much walk as he … lumbers. Notice how he sways from side to side. I found it distracting.
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What happened to HAD ENOUGH?
Does Loscocco count on his bi-partisan resume?
Ha, can’t wait for this joker to implode. He’ll be grinding his teeth with that grin on his face when they ask him questions just like last time.
He tried this awe sucks drivel last time and no one bought it.
He will be a better candidate than he was last time. And, most likely, the dem candidate will be worse.
to hold it in, he can’t help himself. People are just going to forget how petulant he was a few years ago?
It who he is.
It’s going to happen, not right away, but it’s going to happen.
I realize this is a standard sort of introduction video of the sort that is supposed to communicate on an emotional, human level why Charley Baker wants to be governor.
However, it is remarkably bland and generic. The only anecdote I can remember concerns his father’s rise into the middle class, but even that seems to be a story told by every candidate for mayor of Boston. It’s as if the video says, “I’m one of 30,000 people all with similar characteristics any of whom could become governor of Massachusetts.”
than the horrible green screen intro of old. The first minute in and all I could figure out about him, from his video, was that he lived in Massachusetts and had a wife and kids. Nothing about motivation, why he’s running, ideas or anything of the sort.
The mention of the Sox at the end was weird and random, kind of like he wanted to pull a Scott Brown but didn’t know how — and what the heck did his grandfather’s bet on the Sox have to do with anything he was saying? It just seemed like an excuse to say the word “Sox” but came off as really weird, especially interspersed with how his grandfather was a Wall Street stock broker or something.
Definitely not an aspiring start. Is it so hard for his advisors to understand that he’s not really good at this stuff? Why not have his kids or wife in shot? Or a popular someone or other from around the state introduce him and do a little interview, teasing out why he was running, what his ideas were, etc.? Edit it to make it fast paced and help him to find some kind of a style of interaction that works with voters.
I don’t know…. there’s a lot that could be done to improve that mess. It seems like he has the same bad people on communications as he did last time, though, so it’s probably just going to continue to be more of the same as last time around — with only superficial changes, like using the word “bipartisan” a lot.
he can’t help it — rising flappy hands at the one minute mark.
The graphics seem a little cheap-o, though I can’t figure out why. Maybe a BMGer with artistic skills could comment.
don’t forget this gem from the 2010 cycle.
could go something like this:
“Ryan, what the hell are you doing with your hands?”
“I was being dramatic.”
“Stop it.”
Charlie Baker could have benefited a lot from doing some theater in high school. Even if all he ever learned was to stop waving his hands around like a crazy person.
On the other hand(s), when I went back for a business degree, I got direction to use my hands and body, at least a bit. We all had to take a communications course first, which I thought was dumb, as I had been a reporter, interviewer and manager for a long time. We each got anonymous bits of paper in review each time we stood before the class for a three-minute extemporaneous speech without props. I learned I had always hidden behind a notebook or podium or slide show. The review that got me immediately read simply, “GREAT CONTENT BUT FOR GOD’S SAKE MOVE!”
What gets me in Baker’s promo is more his encroaching, looming attack at the camera and viewers. He’s the definition of galumphing. He lacks the social skills to realize careering toward the audience is not friendly or comforting. Sorry Jolly Cholly.