Secretary of State William Francis Galvin has issued and printed the signature papers to give Massachusetts voters an opportunity to have their voices heard through casting a ballot on a question to repeal the state’s (regressive, over-inflated and over-reaching – my edit) slots/casino law at the November 2014 election.
Signature papers will be circulating near the Boston mayoral race polls and across the state from now until the end of November. We will collect over 68,911 certified voter signatures and need your help to have our voices heard.
To get involved in an (honest to goodness) David and Goliath (not so honest, not so good) epic battle go and Like the Facebook Page.
Disclosure: I support this ballot initiative and hope you’ll join me in the grassroots movement to repeal the most socially destructive, public health threat, air pollution escalator and regressive tax (covered in gambling glitz) to be enacted in Massachusetts since……….
Do we trust the Legislature to honor this referendum?
… different from the one AG Coakley rejected as an uncompensated “taking”? If so, is there confidence it will be deemed ballot-worthy?
The grassroots volunteer citizen group appealed to state SJC and were granted an injunction without opposition by AG. So the signature drive is on. There are going to be many issues settled in courts with the slots/casino deal.
Casinos are the antithesis of community and represent the worst of corporate influence over government policy. Our state is willing to trade the tens of thousands of existing jobs supported in our current economy for one building filled with slot machines and minimal staff?