Mayoral candidates Felix Arroyo and John Barros today endorsed Marty Walsh for Mayor of Boston. Arroyo’s statement from the Boston Globe story:
Arroyo told the Globe that he had campaigned on poverty, economic opportunity, and improving access to education, and was persuaded by Walsh’s similar approach.
“My campaign ended, but those values don’t have to go with the campaign, and I believe they have a home with Marty Walsh’s campaign, and that’s why I’m proud to be endorsing Marty today,” he said.
And Barros:
In an e-mail to supporters announcing his choice, Barros said he had met with both Walsh and Connolly, asking “how they envision creating an inclusive and responsive City Hall.” He chose Walsh, he said, because “Marty is a candidate who can really partner with all of Boston: Whether you’re from East Boston or Dorchester, a single mom or a great grandfather, wealthy or struggling, Marty is listening to your concerns and is going to lead a city that addresses them.”
While I am very pleased with Felix Arroyo’s endorsement of Marty you could claim that as a Union candidate himself, Arroyo might have been expected to endorse Walsh. Even if expected, Felix brings energy and a commit base of supporters from a large number of neighborhoods to the Walsh campaign.
John Barros’ endorsement was unexpected (at least by me) but very important. By all accounts Barros impressed voters on the campaign trail with the depth of his understanding of issues in the city and his retail campaigning. His endorsement says a lot about Walsh’s ability to represent all the people in the city.
johnk says
is it damage control to get this out there today, does Walsh think he’s not getting the endorsement? Via Garrett Quinn:
This caught my eye earlier, Walsh – I live near him, Connolly – he’s impressive. Hmmmmmm…..we’ll see how the full court press goes for the endorsement.
Walsh is already down 14 points via the Suffolk Poll with females (page 79)
striker57 says
how endorsements from two leading candidates of color can be classified as “damage control”. You roll out endorsements as they are available and as they help your campaign.
Sure it would be great to have Golar Richie’s endorsement. From her quote above sounds like she hasn’t made up her mind. I know both candidates are making their best pitches.
Barros makes a point of mentioning her met with both Connolly and Walsh and endorsed Walsh. That might be telling…..
johnk says
I think that was in your head. 3rd place finish with a significant vote total would be a pretty good reason, ya think?
Plus on Barros, it’s not telling, it’s fact, he met with both and liked Walsh.
johnk says
but i think the timing and some of the quotes are interesting. Please don’t turn this in the pointless exercise of other posts. Please.
striker57 says
I admit I’m confused JohnK. You start a comment by mentioning Golar Richie and her potential endorsement and question if Marty putting out the Arroyo and Barros endorsements “ is it damage control to get this out there today, does Walsh think he’s not getting the endorsement? .
I responded that getting the endorsement of two leading candidates of color isn’t damage control IMO. Those endorsements are simply facts. And Golar Richie’s endorsement is significant as the third place candidate, the leading candidate of color and the only woman in the race. Are we pretending that Golar Richie’s endorsement doesn’t have an impact in the minority community?
And yes I agree it is a fact that Barros met both Walsh and Connolly and liked Walsh better!
But it is telling that Barros took the time to mention he met both and believes Walsh is the better choice. Certainly tells something about Connolly and Walsh’s presentations to Barros. And perhaps indicates how those presentations might be taken by other candidates.
And uhmmm . . . . wft – Please don’t turn this in the pointless exercise of other posts. Please.. What other posts are you referring to here? Pointless how?
johnk says
I’m not doing this again.
striker57 says
Not doing what again? I don’t honestly remember any past back and forth between us so I am baffled about what you are not “doing again”?
As for tone, well perhaps I’m tone deaf but what I have done to date is disagree with you and engage in an exchange of differing opinions and takes on the endorsement news. If anything my “tone” is very good natured – my candidate picked up good endorsements.
Since I asked and you didn’t answer as to what pointless posts you were referring to in an early comment I’ll consider that a closed subject.
fenway49 says
who have the temerity to challenge John’s frequent sniper attacks on Marty Walsh. John gets to insinuate that news of these endorsements is only coming out because Marty isn’t getting Charlotte’s support. Then if you call him out on it, you’re the one with the bad tone. Ryan and I spent most of last week living on that street.
johnk says
reading the tea leaves like I’ve done before in other elections. We’ll see.
fenway49 says
however you like. My issue is that you shouldn’t try to shut down any discussion if someone pushes back.
johnk says
adding more here via the Herald.
striker57 says
that creates economic development opportunities in communities of color for young women and men. His record on that as the General Agent for the Boston Building Trades speaks volumes about commitment to access for women and people of color.
Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) posted Marty’s presentation at the recent Building Pathways graduation.
I can never figure out how to embed video.
Marty Walsh has a very good record to make his case to Golar Richie on this issue.
johnk says
and now that I re-read it, Herald is spinning it as concessions to get the endorsement, which I don’t believe is the case.
striker57 says
striker57 says
johnk says
would be a good endorsement. Herald pointed out that Walsh stayed neutral in her race vs. Collins so there could be some payback. To her credit Dorcena Forry quickly came out with a statement that she will endorse and will do so with someone who she believes in for the office.
demeter11 says
Arroyo has been Connolly’s colleague for four years on the City Council so it says something that Arroyo is endorsing Walsh. The union excuse is too easy and doesn’t acknowledge Arroyo’s real passion for Boston. His and JB’s Walsh endorsement mean a lot to me.
hlpeary says
Arroyo was SEIU’s candidate in the race, so his endorsement of Walsh just brings all unions behind Walsh. Add to that that Rubin was working for Arroyo before he jumped to Walsh after the primary and it seems like an easy call that Felix would go with Marty.
The African-American community may be in a different place. When Aylanna Pressley was looking shaky in the last city election, it was John Connolly who went to bat for her and ticketed up to help her survive. He made many friends in those diverse neighborhoods, especially with Moms and grandmothers. Linda D. may stick with her fellow legislator but where these neighborhood women go is more important.
cannoneo says
He won JP and by my guess was #1 among progressive activists. His endorsement represents the progressive unity I had hoped would coalesce around Walsh.
Barros helps neutralize the media effort to paint Walsh as old Boston. And they both bring tremendous passion and energy.
Golar-Richie’s endorsement will be a big deal but, as we saw in the prelim, she doesn’t bring a whole lot of organizational energy to the table.
HR's Kevin says
Pretty much everyone in the race was “progressive”. There really is no evidence at all to suggest that Arroyo won the “progressive activist” vote whatever that would mean.
As always, I don’t put much stock in any endorsement, but to the extent that they do matter, these are good ones for Walsh.
cannoneo says
True, most of the candidates were progressive one way or another in their positions. I’m talking about people who devote their careers and identities to social change, especially around race and poverty. Most of the people I know who fit that description were with Felix. Though their numbers are small, by their energy and commitment they are fairly influential.