You have the opportunity to help change the economic landscape for more than a million workers across Massachusetts. All it takes is a clipboard and a pen.
Raise Up Massachusetts, a coalition of community, labor and faith organizations, launched a signature gathering effort in September to get two initiatives on the 2014 ballot: earned sick time and an increased minimum wage.
What does this mean for families in Massachusetts?
It means that no worker will have to worry about losing their job if they have to stay home because they are sick or have to care for a sick loved one. It’s means helping to level the playing field by providing workers with higher wages that they can use to pay bills and keep a roof over their heads.
The success of these initiatives will have a ripple effect. It’s simple math: the more purchasing dollars people have, the more they will spend those dollars in their communities. That helps stimulate the local economy and strengthens the Commonwealth as a whole.
Earned sick time is not just about staying home with the flu. It’s about having the time to go to the dentist. It’s about having the time to prevent minor problems from becoming serious conditions. This is a basic right that all workers should have access to.
To date, we have collected more than 75,000 signatures. We still have a way’s to go to meet our 230,000-signature goal. You can help us get to the finish line. Click here to get involved with the campaign.
You can also stay connect with us online to find out the latest updates and events. Like the Raise Up Massachusetts page on Facebook and join the conversation on Twitter by following @RaiseUpMA and using the hashtag #RaiseUpMA.