Major Nerd Alert – With Spoilers
If you don’t want to read up on what is coming in the next few weeks on the topic of Doctor Who, then stop reading now.
If you have never been to the site BBC America and you want to know what is coming up, go there now! I can wait?!
Things on the site right now!
1) Photos from the The Day of the Doctor (The 50th Anniversary Special) showing Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt around the main navigational control panels of the Tardis.
2) Trailer for the 10th Doctor’s Special (October 27th) with plenty of David Tennant running (Alons-y)!
3) News about “An Adventure in Space and Time”, coming in November, showing a TV movie of the 1st Doctor and his companions. Having recently watched “An UnEarthly Child”, the casting of the actors looks spot on.
As previously discussed, I am still working on what is slowly becoming my Magnum Opus on November 1963 and the two primary theories out there on who John Hurt is in the Canon and my personal opinions on the two theries. Hopefully, next week I will be ready to post it.
sabutai says
I too worry about the lack of a strong defense this Sunday. The Jets could be a classic “trap” game, and I’m uncomfortable with the idea of the Patriots (again) trying to win by outscoring the opposition. That hasn’t been a way to victory lately.
Okay, I’m just trying to get on your nerves — I know how you dislike the sports threads. As for the Doc, I like SF but I haven’t watched it.