BOSTON — An education reform group has bought time for a television advertisement supporting City Councilor At-Large John Connolly in the Boston mayoral race.
The group, Democrats for Education Reform, endorsed Connolly in the 12-way preliminary election this summer and began canvassing on his behalff.
My, My an outside group funding TV ads and canvasing for John Connolly. JohnK has repeatedly gone after Marty Walsh for the IE America Works TV ads (which have been Walsh positive not Connolly negative). And he posted the Working America canvasing campaign expenditures denouncing the outside funding for a pro-Walsh canvas. BTW, America Works canvased for Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey after primary victories but I didn’t see the gnashing of teeth over those IE expenditures
So Democrats for Education Reform have doing the exact same thing for John Connolly and are adding TV ads as well.
Connolly then asked both groups to stand down. Stand for Children has kept out of the race, but Democrats for Education Reform recently waded in again with a door-knocking campaign.
I don’t see the difference between any of the IE expenditures even with the unfortunate comparison mailer from America Works. Marty has made it clear he is running a positive campaign and wants nothing done negative on his behalf. However by definition an IE can’t coordinate with a campaign so outside of requesting a direction candidates are a bit stuck. According to this story Connolly asked Dem for Ed Reform to stand down but they have canvased anyway and are now buying TV time. So they are not listening to John Connolly.
have been spending for Connolly since mid-July.
7/12 – Connolly $1,052.06
7/19 – Connolly $7,933.62
7/26 – Connolly $7,000.00
8/5 – Connolly $7,285.70
8/10 – Connolly $7,285.71
8/16 – Connolly $7,500.00
8/24 – Connolly $9,071.00
8/31 – Connolly $4,952.14
Took a look at the 8/16 expenditure. 15 paid canvassers with 10 from outside Boston.
Stand for Children shows a Connolly expenditure of $8.853.26 in August but nothing since.
Because if it is about the former esteemed commenter, I doubt anyone cares one way or the other. BMG is for discussions that help to strengthen the progressive movement, not personal spats. If it is about the ad and the campaign, that is of more interest.
It’s about IEs and a challenge to a commenter who has made IE expenditures for Walsh an issue on these pages.
For example this post:
Limited to Walsh supporters and questioning outside money spent in the Boston election.
And the fact that Dems for Ed Reform are spending for TV Ads for Connolly is fresh news.
It’s not a personal spat to challenge an esteemed commenter regarding several past posts on an issue. In fact my very minor, one post direct interaction with JohnK was polite. And I have been asked directly in comments to address issues I have raised in posts.
Not seeing the harm in the post but will bow to the Editors if you find it inappropriate.
and the sox are on tonight. My apologies that I can’t be here any longer. Enjoy the day.
words hurt Bob.
Don’t like it at all, striker57. I can’t be here commenting 24/7, so sorry I was not prompt enough for you in posting. Posted American Working Families buy Oct 9th, here. I’m for candidates running their own campaign, not this BS.
It goes back to my original post Will the Boston Mayoral Election be bought by Limitless Outside Money?
Sadly, that seems like that’s the direction we are heading.
Striker, do you think it’s right? Is that how you think candidates should run elections?
Doesn’t seem objectionable, though I suspect the harder stuff is yet to come, from both sides.
when “Ed Reformers” won’t listen to him!?? Gaaaah!! Hurry, write a hundred diaries for each piece of literature or mailer or ad, quick!
/snark off
but if there is going to be outside ads, I hope they keep them positive.
So far Walsh’s outside partners have not refrained from attack ads, at least in the print material I have gotten.
I’m amazed at all the focus on process issues like these ads. You’d think there were no policy differences between these candidates.