[UPDATE: The post has been modified to reflect the discussion in the comments, which seems to establish Brown registered his pre-existing PAC with NH officials rather than forming a wholly new entity.]
First you list the house in Wrentham, then you register your PAC with New Hampshire officials. Sounds like somebody’s flirting more seriously with the idea of running for Senate again in a state that’s not so…liberal.
These days Brown is with Nixon Peabody, which has a Manchester office (one of the partners there, Gordon MacDonald, is past legal counsel to the New Hampshire GOP and was Romney’s 2008 state co-chair). Brown also is collecting a paycheck from GDSI, a company engaged in “small arms manufacturing” and “complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas” of the world.
Clearly the pitch would be, “I’m Mr. Independent Bi-Partisan guy and you’ll give that a chance even if the lefties in Massachusetts won’t.” My take: Shaheen is popular, New Hampshire’s trending Democratic, the national GOP brand is toxic, and he’s very much open to a carpetbagger objection (New Hampshire is not New York, where out-of-state celebrities like Hillary and RFK are welcomed) since he’s got zero background in the small world of NH politics. He would run well with the conservatives who moved to southern NH from Mass. in recent years, but they’d vote Republican anyway.
And, of course, who knows if Brown again will decide in the end not to bother?
I am not sure if he registered a new PAC, or if he registered his existing federal PAC in order to use the funds within NH. I don’t understand NH election laws and why a federal PAC might need to be registered with NH state government.
but I don’t know the answer to your specific question. In any event, he registered it with NH officials, which seems another step toward a run in NH.
linked in TPM piece indicates it’s the same PAC, with some cash on hand, that he now has registered in NH.
No wonder she was doing a CYA last week with her letter to Obama. How popular is Jeanne with people who saw their premiums spike or lost their health insurance due to Obamacare.
Run Jeanne Run….away from the law you helped pass.
As I understand New Hampshire campaign finance laws. a PAC registered in New Hampshire can give unlimited funds to candidates and parties. An out of state PAC has a contribution limit. Brown may be gearing up to be a heavy contributor to the party and key GOP players for 2016 not the U.S. Senate race.
As for former Governor and U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, IMO she will be re-elected by 5-7 points regardless of the GOP challenger. Sheehan has a sold record as Governor (elected to 3 two year terms after being elected as a State Senator). She won a bruising election against the royal family of New Hampshire GOP politics in 2008. With Senator Shaheen and Governor Maggie Hassan leading the Dem ticket and Congresswomen Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster drawing voters against Tea Party types look for NH to stay blue in 2014 across the board.
So she is not like the undefeated 73 Dolphins, she has lost a state wide race.
In 2008, any Democrat would win in the middle of a fiscal meltdown.
2014 will have the same electorate at 2010, which NH elected Kelly Ayotte. Scott Brown is poised to knock her off, as she tries to run o the middle of Obama.
Scott Brown was knocked off after being regarded as the most popular politician in the nation. Well I guess nobody’s perfect.
Brown will defeat Shaheen, I will explain later. Brown’s biggest hurdle is the Republican primary. If you recall, Scott has come out in favor of banning semi-automatic guns. That won’t play well in NH Rep primary.
But, since he is good friends with Chris Christie, and worked with Rand Paul, he could grab their endorsements to help him win the primary.
CBS News is reporting Obama knew millions of Americans would lose their current health insurance and Obama and his flock still peddled the LIE “if you like your existing plan, nobody will take it away”. They lied (I know not the first time a politician has done that, but we were sold “hope and change”) and Shaheen enabled the lie by her support for this terrible bill. The electorate will be more like 2010 than 2012. Brown defeats Shaheen by 5 points.
I seem to remember Shaheen beating a Sununu in 2008. And Dan, please, please encourage Scott Brown to run in NH in 2014. With at least two New Hampshire Republicans strongly considering a Senate run I will enjoy that primary.
And hope Scott would get chewed up in a primary. Admit it, you fear Republicans like Scott Brown because they are so attractive (politically and physically speaking).
Striker- are your unions going to cross the border and help Jeanne? If so, do us a favor and volunteer to go on the Obamacare exchanges like the millions who lost their health insurance. Once you do that,,then you will bring credibility to the race.
Because my union negotiated for it in the contract covering my employment. And my cred in NH is just fine. Been crossing the border for two decades to elect pro-worker candidates in the Granite State.
….. Fear Scott Brown? Really? Beat him so bad in 2012 he jackrabbiting out of the state! As for the GOP Primary. Yup. Love to watch me chewed up by NH GOP candidates who dont “summer” in the state.
I bet if a poll is conducted now, Brown will be in the lead.
will definitely not have the same electorate as 2010, but keep dreaming.
It is going to be worse than 2010 for Democrats.
Millions have lost their health insurance already and the Republicans will show the victims of Obamacare, and say “your health care is next, we are just one CEO decision away of being thrown into the dysfunctional exchanges and a chance to even lose your doctor”. Another will be using Obama’s own words “you can keep the plan you already have” and then showing the numbers who,lost their h/c plans. It will be like the national debt, the numbers going up and up.
It’s a version of the Democrat ad of grandma being thrown over the cliff, but its no acting, we have real, people suffering now from Obamacare.
There is a lot going on with health care that the ACA has little to nothing to do with. It is TRUE that the ACA does not require anybody to give up their health plan. The President did not lie about that. What companies are doing in reaction is THEIR decision, not a legal requirement. That’s of course assuming post hoc ergo propter hoc is valid, which when it comes to your talking points I most certainly do not!
is never helpful. Also, Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc would be a crushing arguement if we didn’t live in such an ignorant and stupid world. Just in case, it means, “It happened after, therefore, it happened because”. As in my sister was born 8 months before JFK was assassinated, therefore, JFK was assassinated because my sister was born.
In other words, #DFTT!
James Carney himself said if ones existing insurance does not meet the minimum standard set by Obamacare (ie a 55 year old woman needs to have prenatal coverage and throw in pregnancy prevention prescription drug coverage while you are at it), then they lose their existing insurance and are forced to buy a more comprehensive, yet useless coverage at higher rates.
I’m noticing everyone here is using the term ACA and not Obamacare, reason b/c since the rollout, all the negative press? Please listen to Jim Carney on folks losing their health insurance.
more shiny object distractions.