in Boston’s living room and the mayoral candidates refuse to see or speak about it.
Menino’s blind-eye, wink to Suffolk-Caesars…. ‘they’re dirty but we want them to get what they want anyways,’ is a systemic problem. With the Irish twins refusing to address the unsuitability of the casino proponents we have trouble.
There are big problems with potential surrounding communities not getting information needed to take steps for memorandum of agreements with casino proponents. Studies are absent and unrealistic (laughably unrealistic) citing no impacts from worker in-migration, no housing/education/medical nor social services needs will be increased because workers will come from the host community. Several of these struggling communities that had their rights to Home Rule and self-determination denied (they’re impacted but they can’t vote on proposals that will change the fiber of their communities forever;) have requested that the MGC extend the December 31, 2013 deadline another 90-180 days.
The Mohegan Sun “impact study,” is built on the assumption that 85-90% of local low-rollers will drive (not through their neighborhoods but rather) via the MassPike.
Jim Aloisi, former Sec. of Transportation stated this week, “How can we sanction a casino vote based on a ballot that is factually inaccurate & misleading.”
The only friend of the casino industry is the casino industry and they’d sell you their granny.