There are no shortage of potential candidates talking about running for constitutional offices next year. Yet, when I speak to fellow Democrats about what should be a great political year with many contests in play, there is a definite “enthusiasm-shortage” for the contenders named thus far. I think it’s more than just election fatigue. When you ask any Democrat who they are supporting, what you get back is a name spoken with resignation not enthusiasm or an admission that they don’t know half the people who are running yet.
Where the heck is Warren Tolman when we need him and why isn’t he running for Governor!!?? He has name recognition and TV visibility, he is a good politician, he’s extremely smart, he is respected by the media, he knows state govt. inside and out, he is friendly and comfortable with people, he is a loyal, he’s a pragmatic progressive…he is someone who we could support with enthusiasm.
There are those who would encourage him to run for AG (as they did Juliette Kayyem),but why should he settle for that when he would make a better governor!?
I don’t see it. I for one enthusiastically support Grossman and I have heard such for others as well. Can you cite a poll or something to back up the enthusiasm shortage claim?
I am sure Steve Grossman and each person running has a cadre of close supporters and friends who have sincere enthusiasm for their candidacies. I am talking about the vast majority of Democratic activists, the folks that give money (not special interests), give field support on the local levels, local elected officials, people who run for delegate, etc…the real backbone of the Party. There is definitely an enthusiasm shortage with this vast collection of Democrats. I speak with scores of them on a weekly basis and never miss the opportunity to ask about the Governor’s race and who they are planning to support. The answers have been stunningly unenthusiastic about any candidate thus far. I have been most surprised by the number of women who I know were strong and active Coakley supporters in the past who are saying they will not be with her this go round. Also, there is general agreement that Steve Grossman is a good man and they like him as Treasurer but do not think he will win as Governor. The Berwick-Avallone-Kayyem group are still pretty much unknowns to them (and they are activists!)…I was at an end-of-summer event with over 2 dozen very active and engaged Democrats which included some elected officials, State Comm. and Town Comm. members…there was a “poll” question of the night: Who will be the next Governor of Massachusetts?…Results: Grossman got one vote and Charlie Baker got all of the rest! Interestingly, Coakley did not get a vote and the majority of the group were women.
That tells me that Dems are waiting for a candidate they can be enthused about to emerge.
I go to similar events and am a member of the state committee and have not gotten that vibe.
Grossman has nowhere to go but up. I’ve been pleasantly suprised at how good a speaker he is and his commitment to issues I care about. If expectations are so low among Democratic activists, there’s plenty of room for him to impress
By early 2014 those people will have settled on a candidate and their campaign instincts will kick in. By next September those people should be out working for the nominee. Or shame on them.
True, Steve has room to grow, but when you consider that he has been running for governor since he was sworn in as Treasurer, it would seem that he would have more traction and locked in a lot more support by this time. There must be a reason activists are holding back their support from him? He has been working overtime and he is everywhere…but not locking in public support from the people he has been courting for 3 years. He has to change strategy I think.
However, at least before Coakley announced I would say most people I knew who had chosen had chosen Grossman, and by the way I like Tolman too, but I don’t see him as an enthusiasm driver either. If you are looking for Deval or Obama or Warren levels of enthusiasm I think you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I’m not sure anyone in the field is Mr./Ms. excitement, but neither was Ed Markey and I don’t think that factor is necessary every time.
Christopher: No chance I would be looking for a Deval (one of the greater disappointments…does he still work at the State House?) or Ed Markey, Senator “Present”… I like Steve Grossman but I don’t think he will be Governor…Coakley is a media conscious prosecutor and beyond that I don’t see her as a big picture, inspiring Governor, her same old same old rhetoric does not offer much to get enthused about…Tolman has ideas and sometimes it’s a person with exciting ideas that can engender excitement and loyal followers. Stay tuned.
I for one remain very glad that he is in the Corner Office, not nearly as disappointing as POTUS on some levels.
Markey was waiting for more information, a very responsible position on something as serious as a strike on Syria which I assume you are refering to.
I don’t see Coakley as Governor either though I would support her if nominated, but believe Grossman capable of denying her that honor.
As for Tolman, do you know something as indicated by “stay tuned”, and what ideas does he have? I have not heard him mentioned before now. Also, if he does run will he write his own diaries on BMG or will you do that for him using his name?:)
Christopher; If Tolman runs, I hope he will write his own BMG postings under his own name. I am nothing if not consistent on that! I disregard the ghost written stuff as you know, even when they write it in the first person (which is the most disingenuous of all)…if the past is prologue, Markey will always be “waiting for more information” when the tough votes come, just the way the guy is…and as for the Governor, there are many Dems who are more than a little disappointed in his performance and the gap between rhetoric and reality in many departments.
You and I both know Fast Eddie would’ve had a much tougher campaign if he had a real opponent and if this was a regular election. Baker is vastly superior to Gomez, and without a right leaning independent running this time-he is definitely the early frontrunner. If we want to keep the Corner Office we will need to inspire minorities, working families, and women and I am not sure if Grossman is the best for that effort. We will see though.
Was there ever Markey/Baker hypothetical polling? If it had been a regular rather than special election I suspect if anything that would have worked to Markey’s advantage, just like Brown was disadvantaged by the Dem based turning out in a regular election that did not happen in his special.
But Dem turnout also drops for off Presidential elections. I would say we have a slightly more right-leaning electorate during gubernatorial elections, particularly since there is usually a viable Republican.
Markey got off with an easier opponent than Brown, Weld, or Baker would’ve been. Granted I think he’d have easily dispatched with Sullivan or Friend of BMG Dan Winslow as well.
Grossman will get my vote as an anti-Coakley maneuver, but I still think it’s early and the field has not been set. I was disappointed with Wolf’s implosion and hope he can come back, otherwise I will probably be a lean Grossman unless Curtatone gets in. I see none of the others getting any traction, as much as I respect Kayyem and Berwick on their pet issues, they don’t offer broader narratives outside their scope of expertise.
I am very excited about Mike Lake for LG and will have something written up on that soon. I recall defending Grossman with you when his progressive bona fides were under attack, let me be clear, I still believe he is a strong progressive. I am less convinced he is a strong candidate or the man for the moment, but I would trust him over Coakley as both the nominee and the occupant of the office any day of the week.
As a person who is a little surprised to find herself pretty tepid about Martha Coakley’s candidacy, I enjoyed this masspoliticsprofs article challenging the perception that she’s a loser.
The piece suggests the most highly-covered gaffes (e.g. vacation, Fenway, Schilling) didn’t lead to her dropping in the polls. It does not address the distinct possibility that her overall bad campaign while Brown was running effective ads did lead to her dropping in the polls.
I agree that the political climate at the time was hostile to Democrats generally, but don’t agree that Coakley was doomed by this. The January gaffes, in my mind, just cemented an already-existing narrative that she was out of touch and not particularly interested in campaigning hard.
Juliet is not inquiring as to the whereabouts of Romeo when she says “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?” She’s asking why does he have to be a Montague.
Thanks, Shillelagh: I am asking the same thing… wherefore art thou Warren, with the candidate for AG (Montague) label instead of candidate for Governor?
Shillelagh: what do you think of the current Dem. Gov. field? Enthused? What do you think of Tolman’s chances against this field and ultimately, Baker?
I could be convinced. Tolman could do well, but I’m not sure that the Coakley juggernaut can be stopped. The nomination’s hers to lose.
He works hard, he’s honest, and he’s a good guy.
This is me excited.
Tolman who failed miserably to beat Shannon O Brien in 2002 and was on a failed ticket with Scott Harshbarger that should’ve beat Cellucci.
I do agree that we need new blood and a more dynamic candidate for Governor. Curtatone needs to get in. I liked Kayeems post here, but need to hear some more specifics about the issues she cares about, and I need to hear about her civil liberty positions. I have nothing against Grossman and have liked the left turn he has taken, but I definitely agree he is an underdog against Baker.
jconway: If you are looking for a dynamic mayor to get into the race, Driscoll from Salem is the top of the heap statewide. But, a mayor would have difficulty on the money end at this late date.
I loved it when she and Curtatone were on NECN together awhile back-I thought to myself either way you flip it that’s a great ticket. I’d love for her to get in on that, rumor is AG which I would also support. Still have family
in Salem and they are largely supportive.